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Reviews for "Kid Icarus - Part IV"

Oh no! Pit the dictator is coming! lol

Nice job dude! But the end was kinda odd and unexpected. :P But I like it. ^_^


wow you must have done ALOT of work, its wierd to say it, but im proud of people like you, good work!

Hey Not bad. :)

The Flash was generally good, you got to the Medusa before the grunt-slaying got too repetitive, which is good. It was also a very good ending, making me wonder if there's going to be a Kid Icarus: part V.

The previous ones were better

I was hoping there'd be more voices and such...well at least a medusa battle scene. But it wasn't so great. Pit just killed monsters and then got a bow, it wasn't really continuing the plot, instead it just killed it.

I was expecting a grand ending and instead...

I was disappointed. I mean, first of all, what the hell was Pit so pissed about? If he were REALLY angry at Medusa for imprisoning Palutena-sama, he would've gotten angry a long time ago (back in Kid Icarus Part 1). Also, the ending seemed too rushed. It was like you were more intent on finishing the movie then anything else. Also, the music was too obnoxious and loud; I didn't like it much. And the heck is with the Mature Rating? "Extreme Violence?" How can Pit punching enemies and getting a little cut count as extreme violence?
The grapics are probably the only thing I liked in the movie.
I'm sorry to be so critical, but I think you should try harder next time. Don't make your movies too rushed, 'kay? I hate people who make the endings to their stories feel too rushed.

MKjack responds:

Why Pit becomes angry/evil?
Well you have to look at the whole plot... In KI1, Pit is really nice, not knowing what's coming up. His first disappointment is his "low" shooting range, and then Zeus, who just teleports him out of his chember because he's so lazy!
In KI2 he is pissed because he gets chased by those 4 beasts, and then he meets Zeus again, and is even more pissed about him. HE even gets teleported in nowhere, falling down...
In KI3 the eggplant wizard, and again the snake enrage him, and that Pit WILL become evil, you can see very clearly at the scene with the 5 Blue Nose Monsters, when he bursts out.
Even the ending of KI3 shows that.
And if you noticed, in KI3, Pit changed his color to blue, which means he met Zeus again, and what do you expect of that? XD

He was NOT angry about Palutena's imprisoning, he was angry about his journey, and what he had to live through.

And Extreme Violence, I dont know, i just picked it XD

Thats it for now,