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Reviews for "ORDINARY MAN Ep.1 Ketchup"

great.just really good, man, its really good.

i really liked it. <<ordinary man!!!!!>> it was cool. just make the next longer. thanks.

NoComicsComics responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it. I will try and make the next one longer, but honestly, I'm not sure. You see, I already storyboarded the next one, and well, we'll just have to see if that one will be longer. I hope it's longer too, but keep in mind, this short clip took me over 2 months, not nearly as long as my first hand-drawn cartoon, but still, it's a lot of work. Thanks again, and stay tuned.

Not So Ordinary

It looks as if it were hand-drawn on a piece of paper. A few laughs were in there along with some great animation but the voices become somewhat bland or annoying try giving different characters distinct voices. I promise it'll make a big difference

NoComicsComics responds:

Yeah, all the voices were by me. It was also all done by hand on paper. Thanks for the review.

That was so silly it was good!

I like it, and it was funny! You should make more episodes, and I thought it was pretty creative. I just don't like the voices how they make that *poof* sound like you're using a microphone or something. Oh well, it was good! You also draw pretty well!

NoComicsComics responds:

Thanks, I'm glad to see you liked it. There will be more episodes, in fact, episode 2 is already storyboarded and I will be starting on that one very soon. Also, the sound should be better next time. I'm glad you liked my drawing. Thanks again.


Nice and smooth, talking looked good and it was pretty funny. Good luck with your series, I'm sure it'll be great.


NoComicsComics responds:

Thanks, I certainly hope so. Be on the look out for episode 2, maybe sometime in April.

Close to Extrordinary

This was a very original style and I liked it. I feel that it has more
potential. I've read a review that it could use some color and I agree completely. Also, some shots could use some more background. It just seemed like it was blank. There were some pretty funny parts in this cartoon. The best part was YOU JUST HAVE TO REALLY SQUEEZE!!!!. Humorous idea about having a normal person as a super hero but it was over played when you said ordinary for the what it felt like the billionth time. I think the script could have been written longer, with more funny parts where he says something that you hear all the time except in his hero voice, and try not to use the same words. The theme was amazing but where was it during the cartoon? Music would have added to it a lot, especially some during the running scene to build excitement and then he stops to take a breath. I would like to see another one with the things I've said in it. I'm also interested in how long it took you.

NoComicsComics responds:

How long this took me? Well, just about two months actually. My other cartoon though "The Origin of the Hair" took 7 months. This one was short, but it was as long as it had to be really, I don't feel there was anything else that could have been added. As for the theme, I feel that having it play during the cartoon would ruin the flow. Some will agree, some will disagree, that's why I have to do whatever I feel is best, as you can't satisfy everyone's taste. The theme was very awesome though, you should hear the whole thing. As for the backrounds, yes, I wish there were some backgrounds, but if you had any idea how I do this cartoon, you would agree that it would be close to impossible, at least without a camera. Since this is all done tracing by hand, adding a backround would mean tracing and re-tracing that same backround 50-60 times, which would be insane, so as much as I'd like to have one, I'm afraid I just can't do it now, until I have some money for a program (in that case, I will still be animating everything by hand, I'll just be using it for things such as adding backrounds and coloring). Now for the color, it's a pain, because I have to color every frame by hand, which adds a lot of time to the process (My last cartoon was colored, and frankly, it just wasn't worth it for this). Also, I have received a lot of positive feedback based on the black and white, so I feel that I should stick with a formula that works. If and when I get a program, I might reconsider. Now for the repitition of Ordinary Man, you're right. I didn't really notice it until I started doing the voices, and well, that's a goof up on my part. Hopefully the dialogue will be more to your satisfaction. Lastly, I have just started episode 2, which is off to a very slow, but good start. It won't be out for a loooong time, because it is longer I think, and it's going to be better (as in more complex animation, but don't get your hopes too high, it probably won't look much better then this one). So, anyway, keep a look out for the next one, and I appologize for the length of this response, as I have never written one this long before (I don't think). However, you made a lot of good comments, and well, a good review deserves a good response I think, right? Anyway, thanks for the review and for the comments.