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Reviews for "Russian Boxer!"

Great game

Very entertaining. I played until you get in front of the Ye Comic Shoppe. I stopped there because a glitch didn't allow me to get further. I killed the Segway guy but the Rhinestone Cowboy just "froze" after I killed him. I mean, his lasso animation still played and last I saw his health was all red but he just stood there and you couldn't kill him. Doesn't interact at all any more. Oh well. Great game. Will probably try again one day.

Best game of its kind ever submitted.

This game is almost perfect. One of the best flash games I've ever played.

Excellent, well drawn oldskool-style graphics combined with fitting sound effects. Social and political humour throughout, from Gorbachev to 'Ushanka hat, +15 health!', 'Segway Jerkwad' and 'Rhineland Cowboy'.

A fantastic game - so fantastic that I'm probably going to save it right to my machine play it for hours on end.

It's that good.


Rocky should've had a rocket wheelchair in the movies too, i bet you none of those matches would ever last fifteen rounds, even Drago cannot stand up to the awesome power that is the rocket wheelchair!!! Great game man I enjoyed it Apollo is the best in the game

I must break you!

I am not a huge Rocky fan, though I did like the movies. The game was a great reminder of some of my old school favs like Streets of Rage and Final fight. Well done!

Explain this to me.

Great game, just one question.
After I juggled the last baby for 57 times (yes I got it against a wall and would've kept going if a Jock didn't interrupt my fun) I stayed impervious to damage, like the real Drago should've been in the first place. I only regained mortality after using my MotherNationHammerSycleblast in the last boss.

Is this bug?
If it is, make it game.
I will crush you.