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Reviews for "12 Days"

Happy Hunting

A very well done shooting game... but i have already found out one glitch which is to have the furthest zoom and still have full view of everthing to do this you have to hold down S and then press F.

Rustygames responds:

Hmmm I'll check it out. Thanks :D

one little problem

This was great, but when I get to the second skill of shooting the cops in the night vision, my mouse sticks while holding down any zoom button, therefore I can't shoot anyone. It's rather annoying Other than that I had fun playing the previous levels.

Good game

i like it, even though the game makes u fell what it would be like to be a sniper siting and w8ing 4 your target to arive, it still to too long 4 my liking. but never mind that good game, only over beef with it was teh fact that the kill his wife mission was gay casue even if u shoot her stomach sumtimes it regestered as a head shot?

it was good

who cares if there was a fair amount of spelling issues.. its a game.. it happens.. It didn't pull away from it's style..

and to the guy a few reviews down about the 2nd level... try shooting his knee's through the glass below the board first so he's crawling then shoot him deadlike.

i liked it..

pretty good.

Games where you rifle someone = Cool.
Games where you rifle someone with a storyline behind it, and there being a technique to each person you off = Fucking Cool as Hell.

as to the guy with no ability to spell, use proper grammar, or puntuation who commented a few before me..

It's supposed to be hard, its a game, moron. If you didn't have to try it'd be a story where you clicked the screen to go to the next page.