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Reviews for "LOZ: SOD II"


I only watched around a minute of it..as it seemed long, I'll be sure to watch it later, but I need to write this review before I get off the computer

So far, I saw really good animation and use of sprites..and very clear...ill be sure to watch the rest of this!

mad-dave responds:

lol, thanks, I hope you watch the rest of it soon!

The knight go boom boom

Wow that was more funny than violent I mean seriously the way that last guard was hit against the pillar and his blood wasbeing smeared. That was Hilarious. Make more like this and u'll be successful if life.

mad-dave responds:

lol, yeah the idea just came to me. I think I may do a, "Pick how you want to kill the red soldier" flash game next. XD


DUDE. DONT STOP THAT KILLING MACHINE!!!!! go link. go link. nice goron ruby. who made that?


That was great! I hope prt 3 will come out soon! But why did Princess Zelda transform into Michael Jackson? That was pretty dumb but funny! So,nice job and keep it up!

mad-dave responds:

Vince is a reject and vgr.com sucks ass.

when's part 3?

ok first off i've never played a link to the past but i want to. i have a few questions

1. as the title says: when's part 3? :P

2. is Rhaghnon (i think i spelt it right) a real LOZ villain or did you make him? cuz if u did make him he sure as hell looks like he'd fit well in a game :D

3. so micheal jackson was the faceless clown? lol seems appropriate (sence the guy has no nose) but what made you think to add that into this movie?

4. how'd you think to make an evil version of the master sword and have Link, as the hero using it? i've never seen that used before. i'd think that Rhaghnon world want the Sword of Distruction to help him contain the light triforce but i've always been a fan of the whole powers of light and dark fused together idea :D

anyway. i love the graphics, some ppl dont like sprite graphics to much but i really think graphics should be the LAST thing considered when rating a movie. the fighting was kick ass, i loved how Link owned those gaurds the way he did and the evil master sword concept owns :D the sounds were cool, there were no voices but then agian, voices arent ussually in sprite movies anyway :P there was plenty of blood, good work with that, there were a few moderatly humorous parts but just enough to keep it a serious movie

anyway hurry up with part 3 plz just dont rush so much u make it crappy lol. i cant wait 2 see it :)

mad-dave responds:

1. I have no plan at this time to make part III. I would like to sit down sometime and write up a storyline before attempting to animate the next in the series.

2. He is just a basic recolour of Agahim (SP?) lol.

3. Yep, thats Mr. Michael Jackson for you.

4. It came to me in a dream lol...I dunno I just wanted to make an epic flash series involving Zelda. I get sick of watching all those epic mario movies. :x

Thanks for the review mate! Some day I will finish part III.