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Reviews for "Battle Star Empire"


its great especially with the cheats... but, battles occur to often and stuff gets stolen which can screw someone up if they end up barely losing on the last day, workers are actually better than soldiers since if you get 1000 of each resource you can heal up 50 hp and not lose at all unless you run out of days, when you start out, if you spend all 300 wood on farms, houses, or ore refinerys, you wont be getting wood at all which makes it impossible to win, theres also not any background on why theres a war happening.


It's an ok game but you good it made it not so realistic..


its could be good but its not like what the guy below me said its just radom and no creativety like a theif steals every thing? it should be like " there was a famine and you lose food" or " there was a fire and you lose wood" and things like that not a thief stealing every thing plus you get your ass handed to way to quick like 50 millon guys attacking you every turn at the start on easy and why is the game so short like a advrage turn is like 30 seconds to like 1 min makeing the game like 10 mins at max but you wont be able propbly to play that far becuse every turn you lose like have of your health. therefore if make another one make it better not make it so shitty like at the start you wont get attack by like 30 guys and make it where its not a limeted amount of turns or give you alot of turns like 200

Extremely hard to play.

At the start you think ok, I'll build a few things.
End turn.
Attacked by 15 soldiers already? Wtf, now I'm losing health because I can't fight back.
Ok ... Next turn, I'll get some workers.
End turn.
A thieve stole whatever.
What, the, fuck, now I don't have enough to advance to the next age to buy some fucking soldiers to defend my fucking shit.
Now I've got to build a couple of factories to get soldiers? Grr ...
End turn.
Ok I've built one factory but by now my health is like 30 and it costs shit loads to get more.
Wow! I've got 3 soldiers!
Attacked by 15 soldiers and all of my troops are killed ...

God damn it.
That's have annoying this game is, you try to do something, you get attacked and raped repeatedly, when you get enough resources they're stolen meaning you have to wait another turn of health being lost.

The turn system ... 50 turns? I managed to get 10 soldiers in that time, that's it.
Either get rid of the turns or make it a hell of a lot longer.

You need to be able to get more resources faster at the start, or make it that it takes a while for troops to attack you because it's fucking ridiculous being attacked straight away, especially if you don't know what the hell to do.

So yeah ... A bad game in my eyes due to the unfair advantage the enemy has, they get unlimited troops which attack every turn, and can take away resources which means you have to wait longer which means MOAR PAIN FOR ME.

.... Rated 1.
.... 3 Stars.

Good Game

I liked this game it could use some work though