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Reviews for "Flames of Fury"

Deceiving 3 level "demo" - frustrating

I say frustrating because I played through the first couple of levels OK just playing sorta casually and when I got to the third level I kept thinking man I wish I wasn't so low on firepower and experience so I QUIT the game and started all the way back over with a very time-consuming two part strategy of
1- Letting the control center build as many repair copters as it could and letting each repair copter rebuild the factory - this allowed me to destroy the factory again for a very nice gain of experience each time. This took some waiting around and good timing since I couldn't let my endurance run out but I wanted to catch the repair copter before it returned to base so I could get experience points for killing it in addition to the factory.
2- I never left a resource 'volcano' unemptied unless I just didn't have any more of one of the two resources and couldn't make anything more. I STOCKPILED every bit of ammo I could in the name of it coming in handy in later levels with more enemies and less calm moments to gather resources.

Nearing the end of level 3 the level 3 control center had produced all the repair copters it could, I had drained every last resource possible and created over 500 ammo of the two main types of fireballs as well as had all my bonus ammo untouched, and I was I think nearing level 5 which is much higher than I would have been if I hadn't gone to such effort.

AND THEN WHAT HAPPENED?? That's right, I get the nice little "thanks for trying, go to our website if you want to play the full game". Man at that point I thought I was reading it wrong. Then some part hidden inside of me thought maybe you guys were smart enough to allow me to continue my saved game from the flash file on your site so that all my efforts were not lost. No such luck.

And to top it all off I went back to the main page for your game as well as read the intro, description, and in-game instructions in much greater detail and didn't see it mentioned anywhere that this was not the full game.

Overall the game is a fun hybrid of genres, has a nice oldschool 2D VGA feel to it, and has a nice rewards system. If I could suggest one area of improvement, it would be the physics and object interaction. Too many times I'd get 'stuck' on the edge of a wall... and being that there were absolutely no acceleration characteristics - the millisecond I'd hit a key to move, I was at 'max' speed. No momentum and no acceleration. Then again if you were going for oldschool then most games of the day were like this anyway, so I understand.

qigames responds:

Sorry Threxx for the confusion about the continue game feature. To continue your saved game, load your saved game on newgrounds and click play. The "play full game" page will appear. Click the "PLAY NOW FREE" to continue your saved game. You may have to disable your popup blocker for the link to work.

Thanks for your review.

Over crowded

To be honest most of the elements of this game would be spectacular by themslves, but all together they just don't fit.

so -so

The intro I think was kinda copied from Fire Emblem and the gameplay was sketchy and it was boring


2 be honest it wasnt tht gd of a game. quite boring.

it was ok

it was ok i didnt like the fact tht sulphur and hydrogen stores run out though