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Reviews for "Windows XP Start Hack"

The easy way...

ok first, let me point out that i have not written a review in so long :(. Second , i have a easier way, and dont need task manager. first, open Resource hacker (if you have it though...) then click open and then open folder: WINDOWS (if you cant find that go to... My Computer and click Local Disk (C:) Then , you should find it. Then Go To Resource Hacker then click open... Then, open WINDOWS then find explorer.exe After that,double click explorer.exe. open string tables, 37, then click 1033 then find the word start and then, change start to whatever. then click compile script. then click save as... then (just to be safe) save it in the windows folder. then while your in the save as, type explorer[text here and no spaces] NOTE: YOU MUST PUT .EXE AT THE END OR YOUR COMUTER WILL LOCK UP AT THE END!!! heres an example, save it as explorerCOOL.exe then click save.then, click run on the start menu and type regedit then click ok then open the following folders in order.. hkey_local_machine,software,microsoft ,windowsNT,current version,winlogon then ,open the folder winlogon and find the little file "Shell". double click it. then type the file name you saved it as [if you are using my example name type in the text box explorerCOOL.exe] then once thats done just restart your computer! if you are confused,dosnt work,or your computer locked up because of something i said please pm me! [NOTE:ANY TYPOS MUST BE REPORTED TO ME!] oh and your video was awsome before this review!!

jpoke89 responds:

Yes, this would be the new way to get around Windows File Protection.


My Startbar dissarpeard

jpoke89 responds:

Well, I would have been able to help you if you just explained what made it disappear... Also, it's called a Taskbar.


Dude you like just changed my life mine says LOLOLOL but siriously dude sweet and if u go yo different nubmers in the tree thing u can make different stuff so ya sweet.

jpoke89 responds:

yeah, if you change different parts you can change other aspects of Explorer. You can do this with other exe's too. Some programs may not be as obvious.

WIndows Vista

Well, I have a computer with Windows Vista as its OS and I tried this but unfortunately it messed up my computer. Fortunately, I did a backup of the explorer.exe and now my computer is fine. (This is also meant to be advice for Windows Vista users.)

jpoke89 responds:

As Vista doesn't have words on the start menu on the default theme, and in seeing I was using Windows XP to create this, it should have been obvious to you.


Im gonna make mine say finish

jpoke89 responds:

Lol, okay.