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Reviews for "QWERTY Warriors"


Liked it alot. i think they should use this game when you need to type so many words in a minute. i only got to about 32000 but i thought is really fun.

Pretty good

The game would have been so much better if detonate appeared on a timed basis instead of it being random. All the people with high scores on impossible just got lucky and got a lot of detonates.

So close...

This game was really fun and a valiant effort at making a typing game enjoyable. I did enjoy myself. Up to a point. I am a very fast typer and so I couldn't wait for a legit challenge. I played on normal, but quickly set it to impossible after normal proved far too easy. The problem was that I would type a word and then immeadiately push enter but all the letters wouldn't come up until after I pushed enter. This made the impossible difficulty only impossible due to technical stuff, if this gets fixed I could give this game a 10 easy.

simple, solid

score 70,880. solid game.

maybe add some powerups flying through the battlezone that must be typed before they go offscreen. maybe a "truncate" powerup that knocks off a letter of all enemies for a certain amount of time.

only thing i saw was that sometimes enemies could overlap thus produce unintelligible words, althought this was rare. maybe make the GUI translucent so enemies coming from below aren't harder to kill.

solid game that would just get better with more features. maybe 20 letter bosses. i'd actually find that amusing. "A red fox jumped over a log"... Boom!

Old idea. Nice realisation.

The idea isn't new. It was represented in CrimsonLand bonus mode.

The realistaion is good... but maybe you should do something to improve graphics?

It will be a good idea to add a mode that will pronounce some words through the PC's speakers =) Maybe with soundpan =)