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Reviews for "TTA Episode 060.5"

That voice........................................

The voice of Giga sounds exactly like the voice of Harpuia from Flamezero's unfinished series, mmz the last catyclism. please tell me if i'm right


x3 Hehe.. Nailock is hilarious.. >_<'' Not going to say much further cuz I don't want to spoil anything. Great work!! And in one of the reviews from the older episodes, they're right. o_O You -SHOULD- make a show. x3 Psh.. I'd buy/watch.. Hell! You can even try to make a game simlar to this. xD Either way, I'd definitely get it.

WOW... alot of TTA to take in...

just made it through a marathon of TTA... atleast up until here... ooohhhh maaaannn... I can't believe I've missed this series... I've been looking around for something to watch for awhile and I never came across this yet until recently... awesome series...

the first season was well played out and despite it's obvious reference to some archetypal conflicts and resolutions it was very original... I absolutely loved the relationships and humorous interactions between characters... awesome... the fact that sprites were used never downplayed the series and I never thought it necassary to switch to a more animated version but when you DID it still turned out amazing...

the second season was playing out well too but... the continuity errors got to me... like sniperwave (?) and his color scheme change... also how in the first season the team attack became a main source in the the bulk of the battles and especially the important ones but the second season saw barely and of them... the shift is too obvious... but it didn't affect the story so I don't care but still... when it comes to the actual plot I had some issues... (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Kirbopher kind of just went demonic and then turned into a dragon... he started talking analytically and pulled viruses into himself for what?.. infact... why did he even bother changing form if all he was going to do was change into that beast anyway?.. if he battled and it happened by accident or against his will it would have been better but it was just... "I'm coming to help you Alpha... I'll suck up these viruses... ohh no now I'm a dragon..." and that's it... also Zetto's connection to D-Bug didn't play out well... because there was NO connection... there was nothing linking him to Voltarius and all the scheming and stuff... it would have been better if EXE was Voltarius... Zetto could have still changed into SS Zetto and had a dramatic character change... there was no reason to make him Voltarius... it seemed like it was just a choice at the last minute... there could have even been little clues throughout the series to make it more obvious... something to make the audience go "OOOOOOOHHH... yeah that makes sense..." not "okay... sure why not?.."

it was just some stuff like that that didn't... play out right... y'kno?..

I still love the series and can't wait to see more... I ussually wouldn't criticize but I've spent the bulk of my time the last few days watching this and I needed to vent... for closure... or else these things would stick in my mind and make me go CRAZY!!!


STILL the most badassic character in the series. Anyone who has a problem with that can take it up with me, but be warned that you will loose the resulting argument ^_^