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Reviews for "TTA Episode 060"


The fight was pretty good. But it looks like everyone is too easily wowed by super awesome fights. Guess I'm the only one who's bothered by the fact that EXE was the D-bug leader. That's completely out of character for him to be obsessed with power. This is a random character developement. The only foreshadowing was EXE being able to turn off Kirb's power on a whim in the Netking battles, and the fact that EXE ordered Kirb's 1111 item to be made. It was obvious from this that EXE would be directly related to the dragon. However, based on all of EXE's character developement up to this point, his new obsession with power seems wrong for his character. EXE didn't have much developement, but that which he did have seemed to point to his having an opposite attitude to that of Zetto's. Now he's spontaneously decided to be more obsessed with power than Zetto.

Also, the voice acting wasn't the best. It was good, but not that good. EXE was one of the better ones. Webmaster wasn't too bad either. Gamecrazed's voice was fine. Alpha sometimes felt like he was reading his lines to fast or something. I'm not sure why, but it didn't sound natural. Expression was, for all characters at certain points, over- or underdone. All in all, not bad, but not as good as some stuff I've heard on Newgrounds.

Well, I'm done ranting now. I know no one will read this, and since it's not 10 stars, everyone will probably say it's useless, but I feel like saying it anyway. Just know that I really love this series, and I mean this as constructive criticism. By the way, I love your design for virus-Alpha. With his virus arm cannon and the dragon now in its "prime" form, I couldn't help but think of Metroid Prime. Like a DBZ style Metroid Prime fight or something. Gonna go watch the other half now.

Guess who?

It is always great to hear the characters talk with their voices actually being heard. It is unbelievable how these things managed to get so high ratings and yet no awards! At least your early ones got some stuff. I really like Webmaster's voice because it has a very serious tone to it and it fits his character well. It seems like there were some problems with the animation as it seemed a little cut off at times. It still does not take away from the satisfaction of a great cartoon.

I love how we get to see the sprite work contrast with the drawn stuff by you. BTW, my name is pronouced "Ericho", not "Eriko". What I mean is that the "ch" means the literal sound in my name. I guess it is too late to change it now, but I am still glad to play a role in this series that at least got good ratings. While lacking action at first, the dialogue is still great.


Great but.

The voice acting was pretty meh. Alpha felt like a monotone girl.

The action and the sprites, along with the cleaner animation makes up for it though.

Keep the great work up.

still getting nostalgia rushes from this stuff. Almost 10 year anniversary. Absolute fire.

oh also @Rougeblast, that thing before D-bug was something from a little special episode that was made..between 47 and 48 I think? It used to be hosted on one of Kirbopher's older sites, as well as opening animations for all 4 seasons (the 4th OP being the only finished product of season 4 more or less) and I don't know if it's still floating around anymore, which is unfortunate. However some people may have posted mirrors and there's always fan wikis/TVtropes pages/etc. But before you even look for those I can tell you what I remember; it was some other virus named Flux, which was the antagonist in that episode, and combating it involved the Webmaster rewriting the Antivirus program data (which is what Alpha references a moment later here after you see it). It also involved Alpha and Zetto fusing, if I recall correctly, and that's also referenced later on. If you wander back on here and look at this I hope this answers your question!