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Reviews for "All NG Fads Die!!! 5!!!"

Good Work

I see that you guys have been selective this time. I'm not sure if thats a good thing or not, but it does improve the quality of the flash material, without a doubt.
The intro menu stuff is good looking, so well done R24, its well put together.
I like the concept and I have no doubts that all parody is a form of recognition.
I read the reason for killing Chluiad's Bitey and the D&S can certainly relate to that, we get a feeling of 'we're not worthy!' every time a new Chluiad comes out!
Could you please put in a sound off button? Not everyone likes that sort of music? I know I can turn the sound off, but its a gesture of understanding. Personally I would prefer it if there was sound with each and/or a choice of music.
May I suggest you consider doing a 'Kill' of That's my Fulp or Hammerthrower. I would submit to you, but you say I can't animate. I look forward tot he next AFD.
Best Wishes,
IceDragon64 of the Dragons & Spirits

Radioactive24 responds:

If you are referring to the artists, then not really. I went with the parts that fit the music best (sync wise). The sound button is an odd request though. I mean, I understand people have different tastes in music, but that is the first time I've heard a request for one. I'm going to assume it was about the Slayer though :P
And hey, I've never SEEN you animate, so I can't judge.



the flash is good. no doubt about it. voted 5 before watching (since NG lowered the speedrate at which the voting panel comes up, I might as well take advantage of it). There are some GREATLY drawn parts in there. Except. The music and general pace of the Flash is slooooooooowww and borrrriiing. one thing about the previous AFD's is they were all fastpaced and kept ya interested, 'cause the violence was fast and (somewhat) bloodier than this one (which ain't saying alot 'cause there ain't alotta blood in these).

And repetativeness. Each of you guys would get more originality and creative points if ya CAME UP WITH A PLOT. Maybe 3 did. But sheesh. *Scene: BAM DEAD. Next. Scene: BAM DEAD. Next.". It'd make it more interesttting to see some ploloololololot.

(IMO) ya need: Faster (or more hardcore/rock. Try RATM Kick Up The Jams) music, fastpacedididider action, MORE VIOLENCE AND MORE BLOOOOOD. It has DIEEEEEEEEEE in the title! GO CRAZY ON THE BLOOD AND GORE YER WIMPS. The beginning was the wimpiest of all. Snake and Optimus prime aiming their guns at each other. Pfffftttt REALLY VIOLENT, HELBERERTGHGHG. The graphics were good though. On all. Sorta

Let's see M-bot delete this mofo YER STUPID BOT OF FKJSDHSDGKLJH!

wat a shitlong review. I'll be surprised if you read this far. hah/

Radioactive24 responds:

The music is slow? It was about the same speed wise as most of the other AFDs.

You are quite true though, and I didn't notice it until you mentioned it. AFD5 is rather lacking in blood.

And yes, I read the enitre review. A few times in fact.


Sucked until...

Sucked until that one making fun of snakes on a plane. Anything before that just wasn't killing a fad. Specially that one where Snake is fighting optimus prime or some gundom, where's the fad killing in that?

Radioactive24 responds:

It was bulding up suspense until the ultimate dual-demise at the end.

The oldest newgrounds trend returns in style

Considering that bashing other artists has been a trend from the beginning and you guys are also on your 5th frontpage flash in a row... Hmm... will we be seeing all your characters killed in the future? Also... how is Castle Crushers, a game the will not be appearing on NG be a fad before it's release? That sort of inconsistant, albeit nicely done, short in between the others is... well... poor design. You guys seem to be losing your original objective and are attacking flashes that haven't even become "trends" yet, also attacking the same trends over and over again...

This is nothing new, just really well done. Your trend begins. I would like to see some originality to go with your skills.

Radioactive24 responds:

It's been a popular hun-bub on the forums about the game.

- Radioactive24

AFD roam around a self-taught Battlefield

You cant say that AFD is not original, nor can you say they quest through NG without any form of tactical ambition or agenda. At first, many troubled years ago (may have been months, no idea what I was smocking back then) I first spawned a hatred towards AFD for their use of propaganda tactics against other artists. But, through time and time again I saw actual talent in their creations. This then leads me to say that I can not agree with how AFD show their creativity, especially to animators that can actually animate and make me want to agree with them on some Prime-evil level... But I do have to say there is something professional in their criticism. Plato criticised life and its ambigious teachings, even though he taught about life in an advanced and pathological way. Stalin and Lenin upgrounded their homeland in ambitions for further greatness, yet aimed artillery at other nations that wished to do the same. Einstein ran from his birth place to escape the menace that he believed would use his talents for destruction, and ran into the arms of a nation that did the exact same.
AFD, all I wish you do not do is turn full circle and become the thing you animate. Until then, work till your fingers bleed.

Radioactive24 responds:

I enjoyed your philosophical references, as I am also a stundent of the field. Glad to see that you understand us, even though you dislike us. I find it odd that you compare our animations to propaganda, yet weirdly satisfying. Thanks for the therough review though. You put a good bit of thought into this one.

- Radioactive24