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Reviews for "Smart bomb"


This was rubbish execpt for the idea of the game witch was great and thats wot made it addictive

It's alright.

Not too bad. Music was a big downside since it was pretty repetative and slightly annoying. Other than that, decent game. Lots to improve on, but hey, that's what reviews are for right? Take the bad out and make it even better. Inpsiration.


This was an okay game, just wasn't able to hold my attention at all though. Maybe a more intriguing/original soundtrack would make the time go by a little faster. The one thats on there gets annoying quickly and possibly a bit of back story or some sort of powerup/down system to make the ride to the target a little more interesting. Not bad though


this was cool

Nice concept

It was not bad, but it needs a little bit of work.

1.) The graphics definitely need some tweaking. It's not the quality that got me, it's the fact that the background and the foreground can blend together, making it hard to discern what is a solid wall and something you can fly over.

2.) The controls were a little sloppy, making response time difficult.

3.) It's a bit of a system hog. I find that surprising given the simplicity of it. I'm not sure why this game is demanding so many system resources.

However, please don't take these points to say that it was a bad game. It just needs a little tweaking to perfect it.