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Reviews for "The Death Trap"

Nifty game

I'm a big fan of such adventure games, however i have a huge problem with the voices as they sound a those of a cocky "trying to be cool" nerdy D & D gamemaster if that makes any sense. Check out some of the Blizzard's games to see how a proper voicing is done.

Great! Reminiscent of Saw!

Reminded my of Saw 2! It was great! My only complaints are:

* Too short!
* Didn't make the pictures yourself
* Big green arrows pointing where to go are
1. Not keeping with the creepy theme
2. Keep game to linear

Besides that, though: Great! Great! Great!

Liked it.

It was a good game. I thought the premise was interesting, if a bit random. There didn't seem to be much story, though I didn't finish it so I can't comment. (Got to the coffee). There were a few things that bothered me though.

Alot of things were pretty ridiculous. I think the player would get more suspense if it was more "realistic". And what I mean by that is, no random zombies or glowing eyes. And the "Dead Book"? I'm not sure what that was, I just clicked when the red eyes attacked me. But what happened? Did I bludgeon the thing with the book? Was it magical?

Second, it was a bit easy. Items that you're supposed to collect are practically jumping in your face when you're in the room with them. They're just too obvious. Also, there wasn't much problem solving or exploration, it was just: "*Click arrow* Must be locked, *Click other arrow* Oh look, a key, *Gnab key from room, go back and click on the other arrow again* Problem Solved!

Lastly, you used alot of cheap scares. All of them involved the screen being black or the lights being "out", and then when the lights come back on some freakish thing is in your face. Good for one or two scares, but It got predictable, and not very scary.

But hey, I enjoyed the game. Reminded me of ExMortis, just giving some personal suggestions.

If you don't mind I have a question though. How did you create the scenary and rooms? I've been wanting to test that "realistic/eerie" form.

Thanks again, good work.

it's a good idea

I played through this game a couple times. I love games like this. But, they are usually a lot more fun and challenging.

I was expecting a lot more puzzles and interactivity. Aside from the 2 questions you answer, there's no real way to get stuck or lose.

In another review, you responded that he was an idiot and each choice effects gameplay... I must have missed it. There aren't a whole lot of choices in this game. It's pretty much a straight line from beginning to end. More of a limited interactive movie.

It was a really good idea. I like 90% of the graphics. The sound could use some work. I think, with some brainstorming and work you could turn this same game into something much better.

a bit boring

it was ok but it got very boring very quickly.