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Reviews for "Swords and Sandals"

Everyone struggling with the stupid bug

Play the verison on Playaholics. It doesn't have the annoying bug.
Although imo, the guy should really add it here.
Oh another mildly annoying glitch on both verisons, the default characther has 9 points to assign, but if you hit random he has a total of 10. This seems pretty silly to me. Please fix this.
Anyway, This game is awesome. It is incredibly strategic, relatively simple to understand, yet it has a lot of depth and a lot of challanege. If this were real, I'd so buy it. In fact I strongly suggest you got into making real video games, your definately good enough. This is better than pretty much every rpg I've ever played.
The ai is also surprisngly good, though not perfect.

But theirs a good reason i didn't give this game a 10.
That lose though you win bug is CRIPPILING. I cannot believe you neglected uploading the fixed verison here. Come on man, this is a game destroying bug, and its driving away 100s of potential players. Theirs a bit too much luck involved (I mean theirs more than enough straergy, but the wide damage disperson is disruptive). It seems silly how one hit the comp does deals like 7 damage, then they hit you for 23, removing 3/4 of you health when you barely scrathing the over armoued computour. Not to mention being randomly forced ot fight a gladitor 4 levels higher than you with armour far better than you can obtain. I have to say the damage the arena champions can do is OTT.
This would be a lot bearable, but it brings me to another serious issue. Being forced to start from the very beginning after your die is very frustrating. You often simply execute almost the exact same stratergy like an automan, and hope a champion doesn't get some crazy crit on you. I realise this reflects the reality of gladitor combat, and is realistic, but who plays video games for realism? Some suspense is needed, but I think being able to save after each Champion, or maybe every second champion (though Bos and The Slave Driver are a rough duo!) would help matters a lot. I mean eventually fighting Wolfgang gets OLD.
If you do something about that I will raise you score to 10, and give you several 5s.
But anyway, this is an amazing game, and I hope to see more games by you, preferbly console games. Any company should be honoured to have a programmer like you.
Peace out

Great game, needs save mode and bug fix.

I absolutely love this game. An option to save would be nice but isn't necessary. I keep winning the ninth battle and it says I loose. Please fix this bug because this game is awsome. I'm looking forward to the sequal.

good but way too hard

There needs to be continues or something. you can't just have someone build up a character from the ground up and then let him die permanently after one battle. its just not fair. Add continues and make it a little easier and you'll have a great game.

Extremely fun game...

But there is some sort of bug/glitch that people have complained about before, and I am continually encountering it at different points. Please fix this problem, because it really puts a damper on the game.


Nice game...
Hint 2 ppl who cant beat the game..add all ur stats 2 strenght :) it really works..