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Reviews for "H"



Kinda weird

I don't know what to say about this one. Kind of a sensitive subject. The movie was alright I guess, I did like the ending though.

patriotic bullshit! I love clocks, but blam this.

Geaorge W. Bush is a terrorist, and is not my president. Fuck his corporate regime. He is nothing but an illiterate puppet of big corporations' greed, and he has been running our country into the ground for as long as he has stolen the presidency. He has destroyed the reputation of the United States of America. And if there is a draft, I am burning my card on the White House lawn as I moon that pathetic chimpanzee.

True American heroes

you people need to understand, they didn't make fun of 9/11, they were showing their sympthany towards them. geez

ok.. this is real long but...

koldfuzion13 was right in his review:
"Maybe if you people use your brain you will see that the clocks are helping the workers at ground zero. They arent making fun of anything. Clocks arent bad things you know."

But, some gay fags say stuff like:
"YOU SICK FUCK!!!why you makin fun of 9/11???you some kind of fucked up assholes or somethin?I accually had a little respect for the clock crew like the guy before me but after seein this now I think you guys suck!Oh yeah and how did this piece of shit get a rating of 2.19???(P.S:the whole clock crew can kiss my ass because of this and every other flash movie you've put on the portal...if you gonna make flash movies...at least make some good ones...instead of overlaoding the portal with crap like this.)"

"My best friend died in New York, in 9/11, and you make fun of it, with your CockCrew. Because of people like you this great country suffers losses, like 9/11. I have to admit I had some respect for you Orange clock before, but after this I have no respect left! Brave firefighters vere dying saving those people, and American soldiers are risking their lives to fight against terrorism, and your clock-cock crew are trying to take credit for all of this!!! BURN IN HELL YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

These are stupid ass 5 year olds who for some reason think this makes fun of 9/11, well guess what, IT DOESNT, this movie even says it supports all actions vs osama, and the clocks are HELPING the people.

a short list of these gay fags who are too stupid to get the point:
daboysevenhunter,genera l_shithead,Andruski,Unholy_War rior,Blinkid182,CrustifiedOnCr ass(Fucknig Osama Supporter!! May he burn in hell!!), daboysevenhunter,bluntedboy,du mbsucka321,RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh(An other gay osama supporter),twisted_willy,B-12, Azule_Angel,Judge_Anderson.

T hats just the ones who voted 0

Well sorry for taking up SOOO much space but i had to get this point across to these dumbfucks. And orange clock isnt bad... actually, hes the best of them