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Reviews for "Sonic: Nazo Unleashed Pt2"


My opinion? "Eh." It was definitely a worthwhile movie, but you pretty much carbon-copied a generic DBZ plot-line (not that there is a lot to copy in that department); Big, strong bad guy fighting weaker good guys, while each side keeps rambling on about their "immense power" and how "they can't be defeated." ARG! Someone give me a blunt object to shove under my fingernail!

I realize that having to use pre-existing voice tracks makes the plotline a little bit "rigid," but that was inevitable. You could've stepped up the voice-acting (the custom stuff you added yourself) to make it a little bit less groan-worthy.

The good stuff? Great graphics, great sound effects. You've done your homework in those departments, trust me.

All-in-all, try to improve the next one. =P

Chakra-X responds:

Haha, I doubt that theme is limited to DBZ. Look at any Action styled Saturday Cartoon.

I hope the third does better =X

This was Great

This was an excellent flash, way better than your first one. The time you must have spent making both SNR flashes must have taking days on end of endless work and apllaud your effort, though your should sort out the pause button as you said. Good work!


Simply amazing.

Ive never seen such a well done Flash of Sonic in my life. You made each of the characters look and act exactly like the thereselfs in the game. I hate shadow because hes pretty emo in all the games but in this flash Shadow was pretty cool and actually didnt fight and whine about sonic most of the time. Simply amazing. Hope to see some Super Knuckles action lol.


this rox so mutch its like areall cartoon i wanna see the next episode and the episode ofter that and ofter that!

High quality stuff. ^_^

This flash is extremely well done. I saw the first one and I was impressed with that. This one is even more exciting and entertaining.

Saying that the graphics are quite smooth and well done is an understatement. The colors and shades were well done. As for Nazo, I liked the way he flowed so well. The shoes are a nice touch as well.

I thought it was cool how the different colored energy attacks blended. (Super Sonic's: blue Super Sonic Wind and Nazo's: red Chaos Torrent clash to create a purple explosion). Very nice.

The voice edits were perfect. If I hadn't played the games, I would have thought the dialogue was for this flash. The music was appropriate and kept the exciting mood going. In my opinion, great music is vital for a great flash. Nice work!

The violence was also excellent. When I saw Sonic bash Nazo's head with that last attack, I couldn't help but cheer for that. The fast pace with high precision movements was quite impressive as well.

This is one of the best flashes I've seen in a while, and I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. I am looking forward to Part 3. Keep up the good work. ^_^

Chakra-X responds:

Glad you liked it! Hope you enjoy the third even more. And I also like it when people notice those kind of things (red energy blast against blur making purple) and just enjoy the movie for what it is.