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Reviews for "Savage"

Nicly done.

This is the first time I gave someone 10 in everything.
You did an awesome job! that is a game who has to be for
sale! nicly done!
I like the fact that it was a short challenge.

Make more of this! you got the skills.

Comments on flag mode

Flag mode seems pretty hard. Has ANYONE ever beaten the "hard" mode? I doubt it!

Anyway, if you know how to play it then the normal difficulty isn't that bad. This is what you do:
Make a knight and a potion at the start
Keep making potions whenever your guys get hurt. If you're not in combat and you have the extra cash then make another knight, but always make sure you have potions to heal. It's cheaper to heal a knight than make another one. If you're being attacked and have 100 cash it's usually better to make 3 potions than 1 knight.
Drag the potion to the knight's picture at the left rather than trying to find him on the battlefield
Don't bother with units other than knights and don't bother attacking the stuff at the center (the game should be over by the time you have enough force to do that)


this game rock, i know its just like warcraft 3 but its still rocking, nice whit the dragon, i killed him whit my hero and 2 mage ;-p


man ure game is too good this is the best ive played on ng three things though: 1.campaing too short. 2.if ur ambushed under trees u cant click them to attack. 3.make it so when u right clik it moves them instead of left clik because everytime i go to select merchant my guys start walkin into em. btw humours endin. KONVIT THE ENEMYS ARE MONSTORS U CANT SEE EM TILL U GO CLOSE TO EM!


great game, pity it was so short. good thing there's a flags mini-game =D
if there's a part II you could add different units like cavalry or elite archers or w/e

very nice