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Reviews for "B's Birthday Party"

Sweet little E-Card.

Nice to see so many of the Newgrounds mascots there and the song was funny and dopey as hell,good job.

Omgee responds:

Ha, thanks! Glad you enjoyed this silly little submission.


i liked how all of ng was there and the countless easter eggs were awsome. but why was foamy hanging? foamy rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omgee responds:

Foamy is hanging because it's easier to throw rocks at him that way. Don't you like the way he swings when the rocks bounce off his fragile little body? :)

Ah yes B

Do ya mind if I ask why foamy is hanging in the background? And why we're able to pelt him with rocks? You got something against squirrels, man?

Omgee responds:

He's just hanging out. It's what he does.

Oh, the rocks were the only way to keep him quiet for long enough to film this movie. The other guests were getting annoyed because he was doing that crazy ranting and raving thing he usually does, so they tied him up and gave the Madness dude a few soft, gentle rocks to hurl at him. He didn't bleed or anything, and no bones were broken. They set him free after the movie and give him a few lovely acorns, too. So don't stress over it... Foamy's just fine.

But you knew that, or you wouldn't have only rated this a "1" for violence. =]