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Reviews for "JapanEaseLesson1"

What a great idea!

I've always admired the Japanese language and characters. This is really helpful for those who want to get a taste for the Japanese language. The graphics were beautiful too and their was a mute button for those who didn't want to hear the music. Although I found the music to be relaxing. Very good. You've inspird me to do something similar but for Indonesian.

i live in japan,...

I live in japan (shibuya if you know where that is...) ive lived here for 7 years. I can read hiragana , katagana and i know about 80 kanji...i like this it was preatty well explained and for someone that doesnt know japanese at all its a good start. You should make some advanced ones. Maybe on calligraphy.

Keep it up!

P.S. Bokuno cincin totemo okii desu. wakarimaska?
;けた。 :D

Cayler responds:

Then you know a hell of a lot more Japanese than me. lol Nothing I make about Japanese lanuage or culture could possibly teach you anything. Unless I made something that teaches kanji. I could just look those up then make a program about them, even though I don't know them myself. Or I could teach chinese if you're interested. Anatano chinchin wa totemo okii desu keredomo bokuno chinchin wa totemo totemo totemo okii desu yo!! lol


i've been learning Japanese for quite a while now, and I haven't practiced for a few months, so I kinda forgot a lot. This helped me pick up the basics ^^

One mistake, though: you treat 'desu' as a verb. It may look like a verb, and even share some verbal forms, but in Japanese, desu is not a verb. It's more like a particle to either make a sentence polite or -as has been said- to express 'to be'. It has more uses, but i kinda forgot those, too ^^"

For the rest, great to learn the basics, or practice them. Make lesson 2 ^^

Cayler responds:

Thanx for the review and I will try to make lesson 2 as soon as possible. As for the desu not actually being a verb, thanx for telling me that because I'm self taught so some of my info easily can be wrong. I think I will end up learning more Japanese from reviews than the people will who use the lesson. lol

Good, for a starter.

I absolutely enjoyed it. It had a great balance of animation, sound, and a great deal information. Although I know very little Japanese, I do know (to quote the user Vorpal) that if you're gonna add -san or -kun, it better be to an authority figure, adult, basicly to anyone who needs the utmost respect. Keep up the work, and make a sequel if you can. Maybe form a language series of French, Spanish, Japanese, English (for the illiterate people on the BBS, jk), etc.

Cayler responds:

Hey, you noticed the mistake too. I wish I wouldn't have put it in there but it's too late to change it now. Read the response to the comment below this one for my explanation.

Pretty cool!!

This is really cool!!
You see, i'm happy when i see this kind of stuff on NG.Most of the submitions now are reallly poor in content with no messages (or fun) at all, everything comes to bad jokes and awful animations.
I was always touched by the fact that two people can be so close, yet so far due to their languages so learning different languages should be a basic for everyone (I'm not english native by the way, tal vez se den cuenta a veces :p).This make me wanna grab my japanese book and tape and return to it once more.
Nice job, really, THIS deserve to be in NG's frontpage.