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Reviews for "Submachine2: Lighthouse"


Absolutely brilliant use flash. Not long ago my friend and I were reminiscing and lamenting the loss of the old point and click adventure games (sierra games in particular), but recently I became reunited with Newgrounds and have found a bevy of great, unique adventure games, the best of which I have so far discovered are yours by a long shot. Bravo!!!

it was a good game

i got 20 out of 20 secrets do i get some thing specal i did not i got nothing


The orginal game was already a good difficulty, and already ws a good game, but you have expanded so much more on it with this game. I didint think you could have better graphics then what you had before, but you did it. Not only does everything look in place everything looks detailed and just looks nice. The gamplay is probebley one of the deepest I have ever seen, and one of the best misteries I have ever seen, although I dont particularly like this sort of mistery, its still very good. Only one thing would be nice, instead of having to drag items, simply clicking them would make it alot easier. That way your not tempted to try everything with a certain item.

pretty good point & click

This was very different. I've never experience a game like it. It took me nearly 45 minutes to finish. And make sure you pay strict attention to the ~ C= ~ on the generator (on the right side of the red sewer when climbing). You'll see it when you see two pipes one above the other. And the ~ M= ~ in the letter. Then if you want to do the math....

E = Einstien is the cat

Since the cat is the solved number equation, you must, times the M by the C twice, to get the math equation solved...

E=mc^2 (E equals M Times C X C)

See, like my numbers were
and the other number (m=) was on the letter... that was

you'd do the math as such
951x3x3 (because 3 is squared) so you do:
951x3=2853 (then..)

8559 was my answer for the final 4 digit combo lock number.

graphics, I gave it a 10 because it was perfect! The sewers the titled rooms... all of course have their own style...

style: 10! Because you can't have a good mystery with out being in the game for a while. short games have no style. They need lengthy-ness to make a stylish game.

Sound: 9. The music was pretty badass, but the sound effects weren't too bad. I think some of the sounds could be improved... like more industrial sounding, like a whirring , rather than just rotating on rock sound...

Violence: 0. I couldn't really find anything violent in the game. It was a G-rated game if you ask me. ANY KID COULD PLAY IT, and I feel that since there wasn't anything vulgar, it'd a good mystery game like scooby doo... but with out "old man withers" or the scooby gang in your presence.

Interactivity was 10. You could click anything that was part of the game, but you had the arcade machine, the light switches for some of the lights, the menu was pretty good. No bugs were found. and I didn't get stuck at all, cept for the number lock combo which I found out eventually... hehehe.
but the only thing I almost couldn't find was the Negative and Positive fuse box area.

The key you need for that locked door, on the left, in the brown hallway, is at the right hand side of the portal machine... You take, and use the key on that door I mentioned in the brown hallway. Once you found both positive and negative fuses (positive fuse is hidden somewhere in the pipe, that was once locked!) and the 3rd fuse you find in the crawlway...

The positive and negative box holder for those fuses near the portal system at the top of the lighthouse. When I say near, I mean, at the ladder where there is a door on the left, and right, you go up 2 time, until you on the ladder where you see the light starting to get smaller (like a coneshape). Then with your mouse, look all over the lit areas until your mouse turns into a hand pointing either left and/or right (you can go either way) left gets the secret right is the fuse area)

Humor:? I gave it a 0 because it was a puzzle game

OVERALL: I gave this flash an 9. I was impressed with the game. keep it up!


harder then the 1st one

you really out did you'r self on this one.I got throught the last in less then half an hour but i spent maybe an hour and a half on this one and still can't beat it!!!!I get the coils and beat the puzzle on the right up that metal cylinder room but don't know the four letter combo for the one on the left

Anyway you got real talent and smarts to make these games,i'm going the try 3 and hope its easier.

O and does the room you start in have anything to do with the game (other then the secret there).