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Reviews for "Marijuana Stand 2"


Oh dear...not very interresting...lifespan absolute shit...make a proper game!!!

Giving the deserving score...

I can see from some of your responses, you have a poor attitude towards people that are negative about your game. But I am still going to score this exactly what it deserves. Overall it was an interesting game with decent options, however, it still falls short from being even a good game. The repetition and dullness of the game play makes it hard to really find much interest or reason to continue. Interactivity needs to be more interesting than clicking through the days most of the time. It does have an addictive quality, but without some more work, it will never acheive the results you are probably hoping to seek from reviewers. Graphics don't matter, music doesn't matter, it's really execution and design that matters and I thought that could be improved on for your next version. Im sure you put in a lot of work in this, but to gamers, that doesn't matter. If you want to have better reviews in your next installment, first off, dont answer to negative comments. Its stupid to argue with reviewers. Second, really soak in what people are saying and try to improve and work on those issues to make the game better and more enjoyable for people. Take criticism with an open mind and not personally so you can make this better.

To me, this is no different from dope wars...with maybe a few things added to it and switched around. I don't really care how much time, effort or work was spent on this, it's just an ok game with little benefits towards the end or outcome. Nor does it have consequences. It said in the beginning that I am in deep shit. I have yet to be punked by some thug that is breathing down my back for the money. Put in some levels...so people have a need to calculate the risks and make the game more interesting. If they feel pressure to attain a certain amount of money in a certain amount of days, it would make the game harder. You added a story, and failed to really incorporate that seriously within the game structure. I was waiting to get killed at the end becuase, I didn't make enough money the first time I played.

Here are a few things I found needed improvement on and some suggestions:

1. Im not even really sure what the cheats do to effect the game each time I put them in. They seem almost worthless, although I'm sure they do "something." I'm still not sure exactly what they do to improve my situation. At least tell us what the cheats do in the window box. Instead of "cheat enabled" a message should go down like, "you can now buy weed for free." or whatever...

2. Label what each dealer is selling..."buy oz" doesnt tell me anything. I had to figure out accidently that I bought bammer for 200 dollars when I thought I was buying chronic.

3. It would be nice if you could have an option to attempt to run in the beginning if the police catch you and attempt to take away your supplies.

4. It would be nice if you have an option to pay off the police.

5. Next time you make another game, add more drugs to the list. I know its called Marijuana stand...but it would be still cool to sell other drugs as options.

6. More weaponry and significant options. Some of the options seemed pointless and a waste of money. It would be cool to have an option to hire thugs so you can be protected more or harrass the dealers to barter the price down or beat them and steal their supplies.

7. Random occurances - besides getting shot at, it would be nice to have random occurances of "finding" chronic or whatever.

I read in a review people couldnt sell the drugs so high...

I sold the hash for 30, chronic for 25, and bammer for 6. That was the highest I could jack the price up before people no longer bought it. Im not sure if I can make it any higher than that..but I will keep trying. Im sure me jacking up the price probably effects the quantity of how much is being sold per day.

Hope to see a greater, and more exciting next installment, next time around!

badseed1 responds:

I'm not even going to read that...

5 years later

ok read it.

Half-baked & half-done

Great idea, but too little put into it for somthing on that scale, for everything in it, there was some problem attached.
Graphics: What graphics? you play and unlock more black profile pic.s, the items & cops/thugs are drawn basically, the drugs r ripped-off pics probly form google. If you can have a face, make it one that is catchy, not a black outline.
Sound: Great idea with being able to talk to the dealers, but they only talk if you click on em, and thats the only talking in the game, and its just babble, nothing involved in the game besides tips that nobody needs. The other sounds just get repetitive, and the music has too few options.
Violence: LAME! That's all there is to it, the weapons/grenades are glitchy that you can never run out of ammo, and the battles are just random ammounts of waves of pointless clicking you dont even need to do if you have L4 armor.
Interactivity: That's the only part that deserves a 10 because for the basic definition of it, all you do is click constantly, slowing down to shoot stupid targets, or buy more drugs cuz ur stock is low, and you just buy the items ASAP, then just keep clicking end day setting the price to 5-2$ above the recommended to where its just hight enough you dont lose all the custeez, and just end the game by clicking for 3 min.
So basically, this game is just a roughdraft in terms of how much is needed, SO BACK TO WORK.... LOTS OF WORK! Play at your own risk until a new version is released.

badseed1 responds:

"for somthing on that scale"
I didn't realize it was on that scale, thats awesome! thnx. (If it wasn't on that scale would I have gotten a higher rating?)


kind of a waste of time. no reward at the end. you should have more action. make him go places and stuff. good idea though

badseed1 responds:

You just didn't score high enough... You can win a vaporizer if you score high enough! Keep trying. You can also get passwords and unlock characters with a moderate score. But I know what you mean, there really isn't a "win" scenario. MS3 will have alot more reward when you get a good score. For instance, a high score list. (btw, you can't really win a vaporizer, but wouldn't that be cool?)

(( fun game ))

lol this was a fun game, i like the mixture of graphics, and the shooting was fun, very fun game interesting idea.

Try and compress this flash as much as you can.

a fun game , lets just say its "SMOKING" lol
