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Reviews for "Smackdown On Hesbola"

wow! major improvement on the last one!

First off, I love the kitty's hee-hee laugh as well as Michael Moore's dumbass floating across the screen. Turbo Blaze in the plane was a nice, humorous piece of work as well. Blaze holding the knife in his tail was a cute addition too as well as his pissed off tail swishing back and forth behind him. The map pop up was done nicely and the voice is easier to understand than the last one too. My critique, however, would be that I fail to see the relevance to the woman getting her breasts perved at as relevant to the Middle East culture class message or revelvant in supporting the conservtive cause. I failed to see how the people in the background added to the overall animation; with that being said I think you did a great job. And furthermore, in response to the liberal viewers, one I believe who reported that Israel has no right to attack, I must provide you with a short history lesson. The reason why the Muslims believe that they should have Israli e territory is that during the time of the Ottaman Empire it belonged to them. The Ottaman Empire was a formiddable presence in the entire world and they posessed a greater amount of territory during this time than any other empire. This, however, does not mean that they have a right to the land now though because if you go back even further, the Jews had the land first well before the Ottaman Empire had even been thought of: (read the Bible, a book that regardless of if you believe in the religion has been verified in historical credibilty by non-Christian sources during the same time period.) Furthermore, one must remember that Islam itself is a religion created after and in direct response to Christianity and Judaism. It's a rip off of those two. The Arabs were a nomadic pagan people that were very behind the Christians and Jews politically, economically, and socially. Muhammed created the religion to bolster his people in these three ways to rival other cultures and for a period of time it worked. (Read the Koran: it is eerily similar to the Bible--Don't be fooled--there is a reason for this!)

Vinbasshred responds:

that says it all, thank you. did everybody get that?

Ha ha ha...

That's good. Can't wait till' I see it all.

Vinbasshred responds:

Thanks a lot. It's hard to get support when surrounded by so many anti-americans. I knew there was a few people on here that aren't swayed by the liberal/communist propeganda. Now if the rest of you would wake up and really think about what you/I say...


ok.... really, it was ok, make more to the series and then ill maybe put a better review, i mean a rabbit sitting there talking about lebenon, it was ok i guess........ just make it longer

Vinbasshred responds:

okay, will do...

I think it's spelled with a "z"

the movie was kind of annoying, but at least you are on Israel's side so that's cool.

Vinbasshred responds:

your response is kind of retarded, but at least you support Isreal so that's cool.

get your dumb ass off that computer

and never touch it again

never mind the fact that it was uninteresting/boring/shitilly animated

but if we don't back israel we're neo nazis? let me tell you somthing, I back the united states because I live here. not only that but do you know how much debt we're in from fighting other wars. if we were to back israel it'd put us more into debt, and even more shit that I'm not getting into with you because you're obvioussly around the age of 5

PS: I didn't appreciate your comment towards the Germans, being that I am one. asshole. thanks a ton

stop animating, and promptly end your carrear

Vinbasshred responds:

well I sent this guy an email that easily debunks everything he said, and pretty much made him look like a 5 year old Nazi cause that's what he presents himself to be. His fav.'s are really bad animations that make mine look like Disney. Don't be proud of Nazi's even if you are German,and lets not say that the cost of not fighting the war wouldn't far exceed what we face fighting it. How about loosing a whole nation to terrorist assholes? Would that exceed the debt? Let's not make that mistake again, eh?