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Reviews for "A review by Eric Bauman"

This guy is the definition of the term "asshole"

A guy can't be a slut? Bullsh1t. How could you live with the weight of stealing other people's pictures and flashes that they toiled on for hours on your conscience? Besides, he's getting proof from Wikipedia? If there's anything I've learned from my World History class last year (and I really didn't pay all that much attention), it's that Wikipedia isn't exactly the best place to find primary sources of information. Try looking "stealing" up in the dictionary, dipsh1t; that tends to be a little more accurate. By the way, nothing against Wikipedia.
(Yeah, hopefully what I said made sense. If not, forget I rambled.)
Now, concerning the movie itself, I thought the dweeby, nasaly voice was perfect, but, as many others have said before, there was definitely room for lip-synching. Sure, it probably would've been a pain in the a$$ to do, but it makes the quality of it all just that much better. Plus, I kind of thought there was something wrong with my computer when the mouth kept moving, but there was no audio. But, other than that, I thought it was funny. Well, funny sad, as in, it's funny and sad how much of a duma$$ this guy is.


Your point that he hadn't denied the male prostitutes makes me think if he either was too busy throwing a hissy fit or he doesn't won't to overload his conscience by lying as if stealing is okay. And he can just edit that section to suit his way on Wikipedia.


while i loath ebaum entirely im here review this flash. not much going on at all. if it wasn't the fact this had a purpose it would probably get a four.

any way your right. wikipedia can be edited. and if you know even a little philosaphy you would know that every thing has a loop hole. but if that loop hole is used in defense. it is will have a loop hole of its own and on and on until you are back where you started resulting in ,if you use logic, the truth. there for i have probably confused you all. so ill simplify. Eric is trying to defend himself and is therefore proving that every thing he is accused of is true. i'd prove this in psychology but this is way to long any way.


In my opinion that guy is a total goof but in my opinion for this video was it was good not the greatest graphics, but it was funny. the one thing that bothered me in this video was his mouth kept moving even when he was done talking u should fix that.

What if I fucked you ebaum huh