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Reviews for "Super Duper Mario 2 VGDC"

Nice :)

was Quite funny i Enjoyed it
"Nice first time ive seen someone use the new DS SMB's Graphics"
All in all Cool

F***in sweet!!!

That was awsome (once again). I give it 10/10 because pixel animations rock!!! Keep up the good work

lol great job Randy

I didnt expect less from you! I knew it would be great! Great graphics, sound effects, and a laugh with the raviolli joke! Good job keep up the good work!

What happened Randy?!

Damn Randy, I expect better things from you! The graphics were very good yes, and I understand that you're proud of them.. But the plot! One fart joke! That's all? I was really shocked when the credits appeared...

The only good thing except the graphics was the drawing.. But you didn't make that.

Next time, don't use the graphics as an excuse to make a movie... Make a plot (or something close to that, whatever) so that it's actually worth viewing.

You've got a lot of Fan boys/girls here

The movie really wasn't that great. It had great graphics, yes, but it was boring. The fart joke really wasn't funny but you DID warn us on that part. But I at least expected excessive farting instead of that small piece. Or at least had made it an epic fart with some dramatic music and screaming children.

If it weren't for the ROTMK and Mack Daddy Mario series most of these guys wouldn't have given you the scores they did.

You're losing the touch. I think the year without flash animation has taken it's toll. Hope your next one comes out better than this.