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Reviews for "Altered Reality"

excellant job

i'd like to start this off with a congradulations on the amazing work and detail you've put into this animation, and end it by retaliating to the genius "thunder_knight's" review. OH ITS NOT AN ORIGINAL IDEA!!~~~. What is? More than 80% of movies shown in your average cinema follow the exact same structure, and set of ideas. Theres no need to introduce you to the heroes journey, as for AI taking over, theres thousands of ways to creatively explore every plot/theme/motif idea and each are UNIQUE (if not blatantly copied...) this is a work of art and should be treated as such. Sorry about that, but i couldnt allow that to be said by some amateur blam artist.


Yeah yeah, AI turning against mankind, bla bla bla, how many times have we seen this now? Let me see, i can name 2 very known plots with this(i can name more, but those are less known), you guesed it: Matrix as number one, Megaman is my number 2, well i think about anyone knows those 2.

Actual style: None of the animations were exeptional good, most of them under average. And the typical thing, which anybody-
who dosn't say: "wow this is the best i've seen"(have you even seen anyother animation than this and spritemovies?) and votes 10 right off
-have already pointed out: Robots being smarter than their creators, but not even better than CS bots at shooting! Heck, look at the robot tecknology we have now, machines in hospitals have a percentage of 56%(or something like that) more accury than expert doctors, and here, they cant even hit a human, damn cant anyone make one a little realistic animation, sides of the plot and such, i didnt really like the movie, the only thing that dosnt make me vote lower, is the music actually, but it isnt really that good, it dosnt fit with the actions, all in all, i think i have given this to high scores for what it deserves

Why am I not impressed?

Oh no, robotic mayhem. Everybody run and whatnot. Why is it that even though the description states the robots are more advanced than humans, none of the robots ever kill anyone? What's so advanced about robots missing every target? 'What if robots were more advanced than their makers'... were the robots made by dogs or something?

The animation was pretty mediokre. Some of the drawings were good, but the animation throughout was lacking. I hate collabs to begin with, but none of the parts really shined over any other. The music was good, but that's all that was good about this flash. The animation didn't sync well with the music and overall it was pretty lackluster. The action wasn't any good either, just a bunch of anime-ish jumps and clumbsy ass robots that can't aim worth shit. That or bullets in this cartoon's reality don't really hurt.

As you can tell, I'm a bit biased against collabs anyway, but even if this wasn't a collab, it would need some serious work to be any good. Nice attempt at least... I guess.

whew simply amazing

that was great i wish i could make a flash like any1 of the people in this collab
it was great
plus robots taking over the world is my biggest fear so i liked how it ended

The best collab I've ever seen...

...that managed to bore me at the same time. the animation kicked ass, it had a good idea behind it, but the song was too reppetitive and quiet, and then it was rare to see the music really fit nicely with the animation. I meen, I know this takes alot of work, satanically high amount of work to put this together organise it and stuff. but honestly it bored the fuck out of me threw almost everything. only part i really noticed was the robot from the flash tutorial that was frontpage a little while back.

I'll give this about a 2/5 for entertainment, a 5/5 for quality. so lets even it out to a 3.