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Reviews for "Sonic RPG eps 6"

Eggman killed me three times b4 i won lol

For all u poor sods who couldn't figure it out, u don't use the high power cannon on Eggy. Use the 3 shot one only, and only when the Master Emerald is visible. Otherwise just shoot him and heal. When the gun power runs out, use his magic (The purple lightning thing). thats the only way to win.


Eggman: 97/ 22000 hp



That thing is hard. I WILL NT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!! I WILL KILL IT!!!!!!!!

the authors right!

I mean just cause you gotta repeat always the same moves doesn't mean it sucks!!! Infact yes it may get boring but as the author said a REAL gamer ALWAYS accepts a real challenge and NEVER gives up or anything like that. Not many players managed to win (well i think i'm not sure but by the reviews many people had lots of problems winning) (thats what i like best the difficulty ibn winning) and like them i once always lost but then i came up with a good strategy without ever giving up and i won.
You sir are NOOB and it would be an insult to even think of calling you a gamer even of class F was for me i would classify you as a loser. This is a great game and instead of saying it sucks try making one yourself!!! The grafic is good cause it takes lots of work, the music is well combined, style damn if its good, interactivity come on RPG's are the best interactive games there are i mean you choose what attack to use what turn would be better to use and so on, violance don't you even try saying that fantasy violance isn't cool, humor well yeah as many RPG this is a serious one but the author did manage to put some in and that requires lots of thinking (i know many of my friends weren't able).

If you nornando, norfanco, nondarco, nor thing there i never remember your name but i don't even care i'll call you noobster, if you think this review might insult you i don't care and if it doesn't i don't care anyway cause the thoughts of a noob like you don't even affect me a little.

P.S. The Egg-a-magig there was totally awsome: powerful attacks secret moves and no chance of winning cause its a suicide mission just my type makes ya feel better when you win.

Sinded the best gamer in the world.

*Sigh* Another repetitive episode.

I saw your response to my other review, which it seemed like you didn't take too positively. xD

So, you say you hate my shitty reviews right? Well how about I make another one? :)

Well lets see, where to begin with this review, well for one, looks like you made your boss battles even more repetitive and pretty much the same as any other boss battle.

The problem with you is that you make boss battles too long. :P Lol! You even make NORMAL battles too long. I don't know if you ever played a rpg game before, but normal rpg battles aren't suppose to take as long as boss battles are supposed to take, otherwise people get tired of doing the same repetitive motion over and over again for the same battle.

You don't change much in your series in general. First you fight with super sonic, do your tackles and extra attacks, switch back to normal sonic, fight normally, heal, fight normally, heal, fight normally, heal. The process gets awfully boring. Sure, the graphic detail of the attacks give it a slight interest, but later on, it's just a way to deter people from realizing how bland your series is. It doesn't change much either for the other characters. You pull off super attack moves with whatever character you're using, after wasting all super attack moves, you revert to doing normal moves, while healing if necessary. The process, onces again, gets awfully boring.

I mean, it's good that you at least tried to make it unique by integrating a RPG system into it, but good is that if you're going to make it old, uncreative, and down right slow?

After every new episode, I have a slight hope, hoping that you'd get it through that thick skull of yours that doing this same system over and over again is a bad idea that gets old pretty quickly, but every time, you fail to realize it. Oh wells, I guess I shouldn't of expected it in the first place. *shrugs*

Hmmm, what else is there to say about this series... I guess I will credit you pretty well on the music. I'll have to admit that your choice of music for the battles was pretty interesting and entertaining. Changing for battles and different episodes was a good idea as well.

Well, other than that though, this episode receives the same score that I gave to your other episode, a 0. :) It seems like you limited your creativity to that of just choosing a rpg movie... because after that, there wasn't much else that was creative about this series.

Is this a shitty review? Well, I can't judge my own review because that would just be a little awkward. It would just as awkward as if I were to compliment myself on something I did. So I'll leave that up to you. :D If you think it's a shitty review, then please, by all means, tell me by making an author response, like you did last time.

- Nondo

MidNightMaren responds:

Well, yes is a shity review, and if that makes you happy, you still have lots of my movies which you can gave a "0" and make other review like this!! Go get some fun!
Wanna know why its a shity review, cos you repeat the same shit over and over! Your review is basically this: "I dont like your movies, cos I cant finnish a fuckin battle". Am I wrong?
The one here that never played a RPG is you! First, the true gamer never gives up, and like a great challenge!
And since this is just a response, I wont waste much time with you.
You are just another moron that dont have nothing more to do and waste his time trying to making someone unhappy.
But know what? I have a life! I just make this for fun!! The ones that like it, I'm glad! The ones like you, I just have to say you are the trash of this planet. Dont like it, then dont waste your time watching or reviewing, cos I wont respond anymore. If reviewing like this makes you happy, or you think it will affect me, then go on! Im here to have a good laugh!