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Reviews for "Mr.Smith v.s The Computer"

I feel sorry for the poor guy...

and his family.

ive seen worse oh wait it was yours

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha

Funny (and error-free!)

This is a warning to those who are considering buying a computer. Only problem is, if you are watching this, it is already too late. YES! Join us...the twisted, jaded, hateful people who have many a battle-tale to tell. We who have matched wits with, and endured the pain of, the COMPUTER.
Ok. That was a little over the top.
This is a great little movie. I love the art here. LOVE IT! One look at Mr. Smith and his family and you know that they are living the perfect life...Now we see the transformation begin...See how Mr. Smith's eyes twitch and burn with rage. See his skin turn green with the poisonous anger he now holds. And did anybody notice that the salesman didn't look too healthy himself?
You can sure tell a story, Jeremie! I'm sending this one to a friend.

That is just... disturbing...

What can I say? I love the style of animation, and the way the dad slowly changes from a normal, happy guy to a raving lunatic. And it's so true, this sorta thing happens all the time! =^o.o^=

Not, uh.. not that I'd know anything about that... >;)

Very scary.

But the sad part is, it's all very true. Decent work with the animation - I liked the cartoon-on-reality look. The sound works well, building up to a moment of pure insanity. You set up a good atmosphere too. I like how the guy goes from perfect 50's dad to raging insane monster. Overall, good job!