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Reviews for "Madness 6.5"

Great work, as always.

If MC9's music was the theme to you fighting Satan, then this song sounds like you were fighting an alien or something. Heh, anyway, excellent job once again, Cheshyre. The series of beeps and boops, despite following a structured rhythm, still somehow sounds a bit chaotic, which is a very interesting effect. You're certainly a master of what you do, because you make techno that's actually likable for me, which is kind of hard to do. You manage to make this cheesy synthesized sound and arrange it into an intense and dark-sounding song that engrosses the listener. (Well, the listener as in "me", at least.) It's a great song, and it goes along well with the Madness episode it's played on, just like all the other MC themes. I hope you'll continue to make more music for the series.

cheshyre responds:

I'm glad that you find the music interesting. I always hope that people don't make fun of me for the sounds I use. They are very cheesy! I appreciate your comment. Thank you

Musical excellence!!

Cheshyre, this was fucking awesome in ways that few, if any, can comprehend. I usually don't review music very often, but this is the first time I reviewed a piece from you. With that out of the way...

I like the nice pace that this song has, along with the build ups and other wise choices that you and Krinkels have done. Truth is, I like music that sets moods/atmospheres rather than those that tell stories, and this is coming from someone who likes metal. Plus, I like the individual sounds that you chose, which added to the mood this song, along with the cartoon itself. This is one song that is definitely going into my favorites, but the only problem is the filesize, which will put off those on narrowband connections.

What I like:
-The sound selection
-Nice use of buildups
-Good pacing
-Great atmosphere for what it was meant for

What I don't like:
-The filesize is rather big

Overall: How would you like a ten out of ten, Cheshyre?

cheshyre responds:

I would love it! Thank a bunch! Sorry about the file size, I'll try and keep them down from now on

Very energizing song.

Gives off a sense of urgency and action; went perfectly with the flash since the two had to complete their mission. I hope your future works have good beats like this one too.

cheshyre responds:

Thanks! I hope for the same thing

sets a great mood, as always

You definitely have your own sound that nobody else has come close to.

I'm pretty sure I caught your trance-ish riff in there in the middle and at the end. Love it.

cheshyre responds:

You have a great ear. I wanted to elaborate on trance-ish and you found me out

I'd say this is the best track in the MC series even 12 years later. Cheers, bud!

It's been 12 years already.. fuck.