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Reviews for "Meteolife"

fun game

it is a good game. thirs one problem i am havimg truble with money. can you pm me the cheats plese.

DannyP responds:

Sure, thanks for reviewing.


This game was much better, though less polished, than Stick RPG. The graphics weren't as good but most everything else was better.

Pros: The world was much bigger than Stick RPG. The different kinds of transportation were good, and much more useful than on Stick RPG, because there, I could walk across the game world in about 20 seconds, so the cars and bike was actually much more useful, and fun, here. The different jobs were a great idea, and gave you something to work for. You also had many more options, like stealing from the store, or playing Russian Roulette for a living.

Cons: The mafia car was so fast, I'd end up falling off the map before I could find where I was going (Note, this only happened at the start, before I got a feel for the map.) This has already been said before, but the game needed sound, I'm fine not having it outside, but in places like the dad's house, I'd start losing health before I realized he was hurting me, so some kind of sound for losing health would help, this also happened when I stood on the hobo, and ended up giving up all my money! Also, like Stick RPG, there wasn't much to do after you got the best job, the best house, and the best car.

Suggestions: Make it so you can manually control bar fights, and maybe make it so you can rob the store, and maybe have a small mini game to avoid the police. Also, I think you ought to improve the graphics, though I have no doubt they will be better in Meteolife 2, and remember, gameplay should come first, over graphics, but graphics help to improve the overall experience.

It may have sounded like there was a lot wrong with the game, but keep in mind, these are all fairly small things to improve on, and that I couldn't make a better flash game.

Great job overall, I gave you a 5.

P.S. Sorry for the long review.

P.P.S. Sorry for extending the long review by apologizing for the long review.

DannyP responds:

Hmm... not sure what to say... you seem to have said pretty much all there was to say about Meteolife (the good and the bad) :P Everything you've said is very true. In Meteolife 2, there won't be any "falling off the map"; there will just be a certain limit to how far away from the town you can get (and to get to a different town you'll have to take a train). Hmm... out of nowhere I just got the idea that you should be able to/have to buy gas for your car. That can also be another work place and store... I was thinking of making it so you can fight anyone anywhere in Meteolife 2, sort of like how you would in a GTA game. The bar fights could involve people betting on a winner, or you could bet on someone else's fight.
Not sure what to say, so I'll end my response :P

P.S. Thanks for the long review, it was very helpful.

Yeah, I got sucked in too...

Great game, I will admit It felt like Stick RPG, but I felt that you put your own comedic touch and art to It. You did great, but my problem is the prison debt system, It at least took me an hour to get out of the prison! For the cheats I have to tell you; im not joining your site for the cheats man.... no way.

DannyP responds:

Haha, sorry about that... I'll never make a such a brutal prison system in a game ever again. And as for the cheats, sorry about that too. I was getting spambots, so I had to disable the forum for guests. Just so you know, you can use a fake email and stuff to sign up - there's no confirmation required. You could just make a quick account to see the cheats, then never come back again :P
Anyhow, thanks for playing, and for appreciating the differences between this game and Stick RPG.


good but you sort of copied stick rpg good animation

DannyP responds:

Is your name REALLY Homer or did YOU copy it? YOU
/YOU/ version


Its a good game, its like Stick RPG.
I think it needs higher wages and more bar fights.

DannyP responds:

But one must ask, are the wages in Canadian dollars or American dollars?