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Reviews for "Metal Gear Toast 3"


This indeed was the Sex Bomb. I'd like to begin that I've never seen metal gear toast one or two, as I'd probably like to keep it that way for sake of my own sanity.

To be honest, that has got to be someone of the worst drawings to date in the history of NG. Well, yea theres probably worst. But who cares about graphics when you can still ge the general point.

The total randomness and the weirdness really made this flash shine. I like the spazzy movement snake makes in the 3rd scene, where he should be crushed by now and then the pain comes. That was my high -light :)

Anyways, good job. Work on your drawing and sounds. It sounded like all the voices were done by one person.


PS. Dude, shut up, MR.BEAN is cool.

more like metal gear milquetoast no not even

The following are a review and tkingmans message from his profile shown together to expose him as a total hypocrite.

Tkingman's message:METAL GEAR TOAST 3 IS HERE! I'm quite angry. There are a lot of good people on Newgrounds, but there also seems to be a lot more morons. Here's some tips: Use CONSTRUCTIVE criticism instead of I'M A MORON EVERYBODY LISTEN TO ME criticism. Good day.

Reviw by Tkingman:That was one of the stupidest flashes i've seen to date. Everything sucked about it. What the hell was going on, the graphics sucked, the music sucked, no interactivity, plain stupid crap going on, nothing violent, and nothing humorous at all really. The voices sucked. This sucked!

now that you have no right to judge me on my semi-propagandic review here goes: Tkingman you must not have a brain because it seems you just substituted it with google image search and sound effects all fudgepacked into a steaming bowl of pop culture references circa 2000. Everthing else can be summed up in the review you wrote above.

tmanking responds:

First, it's TMANKING.
Second, that review was clearly years ago. Clearly the times and people change. Enough said.


i laughed so fucking hard at cats on a muthafuckin plane that i cried. Then i went in the other room, screamed it at my dog, and cried again. You make me laugh so damn hard. MAKE MORE PLZZ!!!!


Man I waited a long time to see this but it was worth it I hope you make some more mgs parodies like this
Snake:Bad michael jackson....no...no!
Great film I love the randomness

Also could you tell me how you got that song that plays in the credits i've been trying to get it. I know it's spam -_-


AFTER YEARS OF WAITING, MGT 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O:!!!

i think i just molested myself because of happiness