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Reviews for "Metal Gear Toast 3"

rofl my wafl.....i mean toast

yet another hilarious and well made installment for the series. i kinda wish it wasnt over. the first time i saw it i almost pmpl (peed my pants laughing). i loved this movie, and by the way, we got mutha' fuckin' cats on a plane. 8)

random. omfgrofllololololololol

king tyler king has made another toast related toast thing, loosley related to toast. more randomness, more hard nipples, and yes, more weird arnold laughing, but less humour. there was too much more swearing and it got too random. but that was expected, solid snake shot mr beans silly buns off in the last installment, fought a giant toast and other unexpected nudity and kill bill parodies occured. i give it 3 thumbs up and a fat person. wait i'll give two fat people, my house is getting crowded.


Tyler, you are hiarious. I wish you'd make more of these. So funny.


LMFAO man this is the best in the metal gear toast series and like the other guy said make metal gear toast 4 or something but still KIK ASS!

A few words....

Metal.... Gear... Toast.... 4: Insert Name hear... something stupid like the other slice or Returne of the Toast... This is the most random movie I ever saw and couldnt stop laughing and when I brought it to school my freinds loved it. S.S. Chicken Mc Nugget and a Large Drink was my favorit part and S.S. Im the Jugernaut B**** was funny to. The seond one was best though with the Kool Aid guy. KEEP EM COMING PLEASE IF NOW GIVE THE RIGHT TO SOME ONE WORTHY LIKE NALO OR SUPER FLASH BROTHERS