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Reviews for "LethalRpgAdventure"

[insert random line here]

sweet, altough it does need more work on it, it did keep me occupied for quite awhile.

not bad at all

but you definitely need to do some tweaking.

one, the graphics were OK - although fluid and everything worked well, if something clicked it went through fine, etc, the art ... left a little to be desired. no worries, it didnt REALLY detract from the game, but its something you should pay attention to

two, i know people have mentioned this but its hard to ignore, the stats building in this game was ridiculous. level 1 means i get destroyed by a 300 hp orc (not ork, generally), but level 4 means i can kill a 2,000 hp pirate? um.. that needs to be reworked!! there is no actual level system, everything is random

also random are the random encounters. you should make certain areas more difficult so that people can work up to the better areas (or attempt the harder areas earlier to get more levels). i saw as you did more quests the creatures got stronger - but you still randomly face either an easy guy or an impossible guy. its not as fun when games are that much luck-based

add more to the town! you can use infinite potions (wtf?), maybe make different potions, you can only buy ONE strength upgrade for each race, and.. thats it. sacrifice exp for magic? wtf is that? some of the things dont make a whole lot of sense

also, how come if i do "random battle" i can either fight a 200hp purple monster ora 50,000 hp angry mob throwing rocks at me. jesus! thats more toward the randomness again, but yea

in any case, you have a real solid core here. in my opinion, if you just patch some of these things up and re-submit it youll have a quality (and i mean real quality) game on your hands. keep it up, you have some talent, just patch up the small things!!! the small things are important too i promise

Benspyda responds:

Thanks for reviewing my game in detail. The improvments will be added in my 3rd installment. It is a bit too luck based, but you can use that in your favour. If you played my original you would see that this one is an improvement from that. Hope you look forward to my third one. It may be quite a while before it comes out. Thanks for the review

I like it but...

It could be alot better like more weapon upgrades for every race and armor upgrades for every race

Interesting game, fun to play.

This game was lots of fun to play and the upgrades and the other town was a good idea to keep people playing, i liked it but it didn't really seem to be really origional.


its pretty good.

here is cheat for ultimate
