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Reviews for "Shoot Bin Laden"

this game just really pissed me off!!!

this was horrible. this took very little effort. a sniper rifle and a couple of missions should have been added to this. this really sucked ass!!


First, a word on reviewing...
To the reviewers: first, using any personal insult in a bad review is not a good way to get on the creator's good side and is, in all honesty, downright rude. It's not constructive criticism to just say a person personally sucks because their movie could be better.
To the reviewee: YOU put your movie on the board, YOU have to be willing to let it be reviewed, constructively, that is. (You shouldn't have to tolerate insults if you don't want to.) And just because you got a bad review doesn't mean you have the right to insult the person who did it, and certainly doesn't give you the right to tell them they can't review anything anymore on Newgrounds.

Now, about the movie.
I complement anyone who keeps their anti-Osama movies focused on one person rather than the multitude of those living in Afghanistan...but the very nature that the anti movie has to do with more killing, more bloodshed, and encouraging death as a way to solve problems, makes me disprove of the game. Now, the world is not all sugar and spice, tragically, and there is a very high probability that this incident will end with bin Laden perishing by a soldier's bullet or by his own hand as he commits suicide. But it doesn't mean we have to encourage even a worse world where he gets put on a shooting gallery as we make ourselves more immoral by delighting and entertaining ourselves with another's demise. I still hold to the principle, "Thou shalt not kill", and believe that there is no justification for the murder of another, whether it be at the hand of a terrorist or the hand of one who has to meet out justice...though I do believe he should be incarcerated.

And another reason I think people were so insulting in their reviews might have been because of the rather extensive insult that happens when you fail to shoot every target.

this is a piece of crap

what the hell this is the biggest piece of shit in the whole fucking world

Vote for Eminem, for President

This game sucks. Period.


that was soooooo wrong!!! there was no p[oint in even playing it! sorry!