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Reviews for ".:A New Life v2:."

~ Review Request Club ~

I'm greatly sorry for the review below mine. Supersteph is a big spammer and he should be removed from the RRC immediately. I have a slow internet connection and his review made the page take a long time to load. ;)

Hm, well I get into trouble when I find audio submissions that I like. I can't really pick them apart like some people can. I can only say what I don't like and well... there wasn't anything that I really disliked about this submission so I can't even do that.

So yeah, nothing but praise from me. I can't even really give this a review. :P

~ Review Request Club ~

GronmonSE responds:

Supersteph tends to do that haha.

Well, um, glad you like it a lot? :D

It was terrible...

...Terrible that it lasted for such a short time, because damn, this is amazing! Yeah, I feel guilty reviewing this after I worked a little on it too, but what the heck, 99% of it was made by you and great job on that, because this seriously sounds superb, and if the Berklee guys don't like this song, then they must be mad. D: Brilliant work, this song is just epic!

The melodies are probably what make this piece shine the most. The melodies are simply beautiful. Loved the chord progression you used, it's a nice change from all of the generic chord progressions here on NG, and I was also impressed by the great harmonizing you did over here. I really liked the harp glissando and violion glissando at 1:20 and 1:34 respectively. They really added a lot to the submission and were great ways of introducing new instruments. 1:35 would probably be my favourite part from the whole song since it was so full of action and epic, complimented by the wonderful melodies and awesome harmony. The detache violins were a nice touch and really got the song to its climax, before calming down for the outro. Amazing job with the melodies!

The instruments, wow, what VST did you use? :P. OK, lame jokes aside, the instruments were perfect quality, as expected, and added a lot to the submission. I noticed a few EQing problems, but that's probably just good old Darklight not knowing the difference between EQing and twisting shiny knobs xD. Still, not much of a problem. Your instrument choice was extraordinary. Loved the pizzicatos at the beginning, they started the song up perfectly, and I also really enjoyed the strings you added, esepcially the high strings towards the end of the song which really set the mood. The harp was a nice addition, you could've added a little more of it in the song, although I doubt it'd be that easy. Piano was great, and the double bass added a good amount of depth to the song, so yeah, awesome job ^^.

The transitions are all smooth and flawless, and no transitions felt a little abrupt. At first I didn't like the transition at 2:03 since I felt it skipped from loud to soft too suddenly, but the more I heard it, the more I liked it, and it sounds fine now ^^. New instruments were introduced extremely well, and as Haggard said, the gradual buildup from the intro to 2:03 was fantastic. Perfect transitions, perfect introductions to new instruments, perfect buildup, do you do anything wrong??

The structure is extremely well done. Sort of how life starts small, but gets larger and larger until it gets to the end where it slowly fades away. It's a bummer that the song is so short, I suppose the new life you were talking about must've been a short life. The variety is very good, since you kept on introducing new elements to the song leaving the listener interested till the end. The background rarely changed, but I think that sort of joined each melody together to avoid making the song random, which was cool :).

The intro, as Darklight pointed out, was a great way to start the song up, and the pizzicatos immediately get the listener interested in the song. As for the ending, it was also perfect, and I can't find anything wrong with it, since as I said, it sort of depicts life fading away.

I'll leave the paragraph talking about the drums out, since I'd basically be criticising myself =/.

This is indeed an amazing song, and I really enjoyed it. The climax of the song is amazing, the melodies are beautiful, harmony is flawless, instrument choice is great, transitions, wow, buildup is awesome, structure and variety are superb, intro and outro are excellent and the drums are great. The only downfall is the fact that the song is so short. I don't know if you have some sort of limit for going in to Berklee, but if not, this song would really benefit being at least 3/4 of a minute longer. Other than that, songs like this are what the Audio Portal needs, if you could submit a version with the guitar too, that'd be great! Keep up the amazing work, have fun in Berklee xD.

-Review Request Club-

GronmonSE responds:

I thought I used to get long reviews before but damn, this is a new record.

I think I'll just say "thanks for making the drums" awesome :3

Thanks for the super uber long review. I haven't made it to Berklee yet, cross your fingers!

Very nice rhythm

I like the build up of the song. It slowly increases in intensity and while it does so we can hear a very nice rhythm. I found myself tapping my foot to it the very first time I heard it.

The melodies used in the song are also pretty cool. They sound unique (at least I haven't heard anything like it in the audio portal) and create quite a good atmosphere.

The outro is also done nicely. It's different from what you can usually hear in many songs, so you've done a great job composing this song. Too bad it's so short though.

{ Review Request Club }

GronmonSE responds:

I think it's the first time I decide to use pizzicatos and harps in my pieces. I always wanted to do the whole transition from a low octave to a high octave with a harp glissando and it was actually quite fun writing it. It gives it a very dramatic feel.

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for favoriting it and thanks for the review :D

Great work, but u didnt credit me :(

Just so u know, in case supersteph54 had the nerves to tell ya thathe did all the work himself (in which case tell me so i can slaughter him), it was me who replaced the Samples and i also gave ur chords some slight adjustments, but nvm.

in terms of the songs, it is simply sublime. A fantastic choice of instruments (obviously :P). The intro was instantly ear catching, with a great melody on the pizzicatos and nice backing by the piano. The chord progression was approximately unique and well balanced to suit the atmosphere of the music. Id love to hear the guitar that goes with it and hear how the song sounds like when finished.

Bassline was well balanced and provided a good sense of depth and strings were brilliant. Drums were fantastic (Supersteph54 told me to say that :P) and gave the whole thing an extra sense of rhytm and life.

Overall, great work, and hope u make it to Berklee!

=Review Request Club=

GronmonSE responds:

Haha, he told me in the first PM's he sent me. His ilok key broke so he did it at your place. I just forgot because we exchanged a lot of PM's. Credited in the author comments :)

Thanks for the kind words. I hope so too, I'm dying to go there!