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Reviews for "Spanish Lesson"


i liked that lesson... make more!!!


Please translate this: "I want to wear your ass as a hat"


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If you want a direct link to 'Spanish Lesson', here it is!

must watch

only if your interested in picking up nasty ass mexicans

Yup all right

I'm a mexican i speak spanish kant spell it dat goo tho. Anyways 4 all u peepoles dat dont speak spanish alll of it was correct exept not all it was hard 2 hear

Cute lil movie

So this was a cute little movie you have here it seems to "LOOP" and since its in flash you could probably still fix that but besides that this was actually pretty entertaining it was a bit short I could see you adding more language phraises to it as a suggestion ofcourse.

I could see you adding more language phraises to it as a suggestion
