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Reviews for "PICO VS BEАR DX"

Not Bad

--The Good--

There were plenty of sounds, and the pictures in the background were pretty good.

--The Improvement-Needing--

Well, the sounds were pretty good, but some of them were kind of quiet and sort of muffled. Also, when you scroll over the last row of sounds, the turn white, and yet none of the ohter buttons do that (as far as I know). Why is that?


Overall, I gave you a 6. This isn't a bad soundboard, but it could use some improving.

FattyWhale responds:

really all of the buttons turn white, you just can't see them over the white background. I liked that effect when I saw it which is why I used it.


I want to ask why but i just can't

FattyWhale responds:

Why what?

What can i say,it's Pee-Wee!

Though really this wasn't that good of a soundboard just cause the layout of it was kinda choppy and not much thought nor effort was put into it i always laugh at Pee-Wee's voice and most of his quotes from his movie so overall i did like it. :)

FattyWhale responds:



i loved that show when i was a kid i think its cool thay brought it back.

FattyWhale responds:

Yep, cool beans

Puh leeze

^^Good Points^^
Again, the music is the best point, but it's beginning to get a little old sinc eyou are using the same music in each one. The scene before the fight wasn't bad either.

^^Needs Improving^^
I'll let you know right now, that I don't buy the fight scene. Not at all. You could have atleast given animating an actual fight a shot. changing the characters to dots is just lame dude, and made me lose a lot of the little respect I had for you.

FattyWhale responds:

What is your problem? I gave you constructive criticism on your movie, and I get bull shit from you. What are you twelve? Your movies suck, open your eyes.