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Reviews for "9/11, Never Again..."

Nicely done...thanks!

If anyone has noticed, I'm going to write on every single one of these I see that someone has bashed us or belittled us based on ignorance. If any of you can give me an adiquate example of American Imperialism, or how we go what we deserved, or how we slaughtered innoncents...then by all means do. But if your only retort is to simply say that we are evil and that we have killed innocent people by the thousands and that we constantly are stealing land and resources, then don't waste your time. For those repsonses are invalid. This is for anyone who says we had it comming to us: Go fuck yourself. If you honestly think that we got what we deserved by having over 1400 people who had absolutly nothing to do with any foreign policy descisions in the last 50 years die in some of the most horrific ways possible, then you don't deserve to have an opinion. How exactly did we have THAT comming to us? How exactly did we deserve to have that many uninvolved people die like that? Show me the body counts of all the non-combatants in the last 3 conflicts the United States has been involved with...and I will show you a number lower than 1400. The difference between an innocent and a villian is in intent.

All of you who seem to know exactly what the United States does in its policies and its conflicts and its wars....should get an education. If you want to argue, argue with facts. Not some distorted foreign press report from someone who wasn't there in the first place and already has a hatred towards America. If you want to hate America for its persieved sins, then by all means go ahead. But atleast try to see if they are true. If America dropped a bomb on your country and it went errant and hit a house full of true innoncents...then let me be the first to apologize. But that's war. The difference between the United States and fundamentalist terrorists, is we don't purposely target innocent lives....they do. So before you spout off at how horrible we are and how we kill innocent people...tell that to the 1400 innocent people who just wanted to live thier lives.

Well....adults ARE ignorant

Some people I agree with, some people I don't. Some are just a bunch of bastards who have nothing better to do with their lives. I say, why don't we all just get along. Not all americans are ignorant, and you people (who are NOT american) need to check youselves, b/c remember, americans come from all over!!! *gasp* ooohhhhh!!! Americans didn't just pop up out of NOWHERE!
*one last note*
If you're going to use big words, at least learn how to spell them right you dumb asswipes!!!


ok bbbuuuuttt.....

it had some really sketchy pics in it. i was like "woah!?" but it was still ok i give it an "eh"


the movie was good!
but the last reviewer is a gay frenchie who hates america!
how could you hate america you ass face!


grrrr u terrorist i hope u burn in u u ************. it was very touching a was almost brought to tears