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Reviews for "All Wound Up"


That was the best thing I've ever seen EVER... keep up the good work!!!!

Fools Cap Productions is great.

Innocent laid back movie, aside from the blood and gore, but combined together, a nice twist for the normal everyday.

I didn't expect that guy to mutilate himself on accident with a toy wheel wind up car, but hey it happened and I can accept it. It seemed like an everyday innocent pass time, someone drinking soda, and they decide to play with a toy, yeah warming up by winding the car up a bit for a little test drive, then he decides for a full auto concrete assault by jetting it back a few hundred feet to see what that baby can do, then he slows down as the car is reaching its gear limits, pushing it back , nearly to the soda bottle it just rips away in flames and dust, pushing it to its limit, seeing the toy car fly with delight, then he looks at his arm to see that....half of it is gone!! Taken by the high octane toy car!

It seems if you purchase one of these toy cars, you need more than just a refund, more like a life insurance policy, lol!!

I never anticipated that, anyway it was a great twist, I enjoyed the whole movie, I figured I would watch what you guys created before your Orphan movies were released, sure enough more great stuff!

Graphics I give a well earned 9, everything was animated smoothly, especially the opening of the movie where it showed some bubbling orange tinted liquid, with you guys' foolscap symbol in the liquid, come to find out later its a bottle of soda, nice touch indeed, this was also a twist! Twists are awesome :) .

Style I dub a 10, this was original material to me, just the way everything was set up, good way to smack an audience, it was a shocker for me.

Sound I give a 9, the music fit so well with the movie, and added a great deal of entertainment to what was going on, and the sound effects were also decent.

Violence I give a 10, just about the whole movie was comprised with blood, gore, body parts, and a dangerous killer toy car, if pushed to its limits, very violent, the car totally murdered that guy inside and out.

Humor I give a 10, just how the guy screamed, and how he thought it was going to be ok to crank a strange toy car, one he found on the ground out of nowhere, so far back without knowing its capabilities.

Overall I give a 10, great movie, great set up, everything was high rate.

Moral of the story in my opinion? Don't play with something you just found lying around, it may look innocent and ok, but there are also alot of things that you do not know, and this goes with any situation, not just the toy car, guns perhaps.

Thanks for the movie.

Overall score, 10.

VegetA, NG Portal Lieutenant.

Vote Panel 5/5.


i nearly sh*t myself

nice movie

how does tha car do it 0.0

A Wonderful Flash Movie

The artwork went back and forth between what seemed to be 3D and 2D, it was like 2.5D to me, but it was still quite superb. The animation is possibly the best I've ever seen in a long time. The sound was masterful, simplistic and not trying to go beyond what it was. This cartoon was straight to the point and I believe it has a hint of nostalgic from you based on the Looney Tunes. It shows that something small can be blown out of proportion.

|| Good Points ||
*Superb Artwork
*Masterful Animation
*Masterful Sound
*Superb Story
*Outstandingly Hilarious!

|| Bad Points ||