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Reviews for "God & The Scientists"

I'm not a man of religion.....

But that was damn funny. "No.... Get your own dirt!" The scientists can clone people, but they can't make dirt :P

I watched this video SO long ago

Glad to see it again. Always makes me laugh "you get your own dirt" I'm gonna add a little something into this argument as well. AleksanderK your right the odds of life happening perfectly and on a planet with life on it is small VERY small so small a super computer could have a hard time working it. And even if the odds are 1 to 1000000000000000000000000000000^99999 9999999 ("^" means to the power of) even with those odds you can count on a couple things: theres 1 universe in that universe there are hundreds of thousands of galaxies (prolly more!!!) in each galaxy there are MILLIONS or BILLIONS or even TRILLIONS of solar systems and even if each solar system has only 1 planet or moon or any chunk of rock with an atmosphere then we still have a couple of intergalactic neighbors! THATS of course not taking into account the possibility of non-carbon based life! Humans don't even know 0.00001% of the way the universe works, big bang could be wrong, religion could be wrong, GRAVITY could be wrong!! Who know?!?! NO ONE! Everything humans have ever know has turned out to be wrong. WE could be the only carbon based life forms in the universe, or the only creatures that cant live in space without a suit! But I regress. the odds of life working out perfectly are almost remote. But if you throw in evolution then the odds look a little better, I HIGHLY doubt the first creatures appeared stared at each other and went "hows it going buddy?" Look at the jelly fish, no bones, muscles, organs I don't even think it has a nervous system. The jelly fish is prolly what life started out as. Basic piles of matter, and from where ever they spawned they grew and evolved to adapt and be able to survive as something other then jelly. And millions and billions of years later we get life, and the creatures that didn't evolve good enuf died out while others thrived, and over the course of time we get humans, a species that is highly intelligent (not smart, intelligent they're different) and humans built homes, cities, villages and kept themselves safe and warm. (Then we devolved to the sissy weaklings we are today) :( now humans don't have to hunt to get food, farm to get crops, or fight to survive, so we get bored and start to bitch. Religion and science are like a couple, they got along fine before, then their opinions differed so they went they're ways. And now religion is bored and has lost her mind so now she wont leave science alone!! (NOT based on a personal event) Now that religions being a bitch, science has to defend its turf and be an ass, which is how I managed to keep up an argument with godschild1 for so long b4 he quit (he sent 52 messages over I think a month and a half (he started it)) He was preaching religion and I was preaching science. The problem is the religious will stick to they're books (bible, karan, etc) and science will stick to our books and studies and such but neither will accept the other because religion counter science and science counters religion. I myself would believe religion if they showed me something I could touch (OTHER THEN the bible) and religion will believe science if science can disprove god (they prolly wont (they'll freak out and burn down the museums and stuff)) but disproving god is pretty much impossible because if we PROVE the big bang (we get photos or something) then the religious will say "GOD caused the big bang"
And you cant prove god unless he actually floated down and said I'm the god of the _______ religion!!! BUT if he does that then that means its the apocalypse and were fucked!

So in the end its gonna be a stalemate Religion VS Science. And the worst case is all out religious war in which case science wins because we'll have machine guns and the religious side will sit there and pray.

PS: MICRO evolution HAS been proved as a team of scientist has witnessed it BUT the religious community says that just because evolution WAS right for small things doesn't mean its right for big things! Thats MACRO evolution. I would go into more detail but Im out of characters right...........now!

Very funny

I've seen probably a couple hundred flash movies on this site and this is the FIRST Christian so I give it my 5 R lol

Continue the work!

Those scientists got owned

@atheistskillz: Hell, i'm atheist too but that doesn't mean that this isn't funny.

Now I haven't read the bible or anything so I wouldn't know too much, but I still thought this was hilarious, much like the other one you did :)

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