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Reviews for "Don't let it happen..."

You just made a good point

May not be the best movie but it does have a good point to it. If we let ourselves become so angry that we do not think straight then we might do something that we may regret later, like do something stupid and go and kill every Arab in sight. Then it will show them that we are not better than they are. Do not let yourself sink down to their level. It was just a few individuals behind this, and those individuals shall pay the price and God will judge and punish them for the crime they did.

Thank God there is some sanity left.

A good movie. Not for it's animation but for it's heart. Beware America of reacting rashly to this event. It was not Islam that did this, it was a few sick individuals. Should the UK bomb Ireland because of 300 IRA members? Exactly.

true true

true true I have friends who are from those areas and I know that they didnt do this bulshit. Its all bin laden and his fucked up cronies, not the people who try to get away and live a peaceful life.

I see

I agree with what this piece says. And i am trying my hardest not to suspect every fucking muslim as an Extremist. Its hard. But i try.

Very emotional and thought provoking

This was a very powerful piece. I am an American woman who embraced Islam about 5 years ago. When I went to mosque this week the police were there to protect us. There have been several incidents of beatings and persons being spat upon in my town. On the other hand, numerous interdenominational prayer services have been held. The mosque opened to anyone and many from the community attended to hear the iman denounce the attack and the terrorists who have perverted the message of Islam which is Peace. I understand the frustration of those who are upset by American involvement elsewhere, but other countries turn to us for aid in their wars. I understand the issues with Israel. Americans would not have liked it if, instead of Arabic land, the state of Israel had been created by giving the Jews Nebraska and Iowa, for example, as land for their new country. Please, do not judge and attack individuals and groups for who/what they are in race, religion or nationality, let us know each person by their actions. If indeed, this was the work of bin Ladin and his followers, then let him be dealt with swiftly, before more innocents die.