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Reviews for "Don't let it happen..."


Here ya go Masturba8....

Oh okay..so its not right to keep on killing but um..HELLO..if we don't do something..who will? And we don't fight for freedom, who will? I ask and plead with those who think Bush has made an unwise decision to go to war....WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
If it was your country? If it was your planes? If it was YOUR FAMILY in those towers?
I am tired of this hate and this blame. If the US is a cocky country that kills, so be it, but people died..lives were lost..in 2 hours over 3000 people died, and you act as if this is trivial because its the US. Where is other country's hearts? Have they turned cold?? Are they black inside? Lord help us all!

I agree but....

Justice will prevail?
I fail to see the justice in killing innocent people... whether it be by those loons who hijacked the planes and crashed 'em or the American Army bombing innocent civilians in Afghanistan.
Yes, Osama should be brought to justice but Bush isn't right to call this a rightious war.
I ask this question to the American citizens, How many Afghan lives equal one American life?
If you love your fellow man and want peace for the world. Then STOP THE KILLING!
The American Government has been more of a 'terrorist' than anyone in the world.
They're the ones who are funding the Israeli Army who kill innocent Palestinian children.
They're the ones who starve Iraqi civilians due to their blockade.
They're the ones who prop up blood soaked dictatorships around the world... a simple example.. THE TALIBAN!!!!!!
If you truly want justice.... if you want peace... if you want everyone to love one and other. STOP THE REAL TERRORIST!
This isn't a war FOR democracy... its a war to impose American rule in Third World Countries.

It's Reality

I agree that hate and ignorance should not take us over. I am sadden over 9-11, but I DO NOT scapegoat the entire Arab population. I heard from other cowardly idiots voice out in hate. It's their problem. Hate crimes have no place here. Go after the source of it; terrorism. I think this movie has a good point. And for those who don't (and the use of stupid profanities), well, tough. I can go on with my life. I don't let bigotry run my life.

I whont give this a good rating, or a bad..

This movie didint suck, but than again, it blows. Yes, we must not let our anger over run us, no, we must not kill all Arabians, yes, justice WILL prevail, I am sure of that, no, its not our fault. I want all of these Bin Laden (Anti or not) To be removed, and I want all you flash movie makers, to go back to making good ol' movies like you used too. We were told, to go on with our lifes, and I intend to do so, after today, I am not looking at another Bin Laden Flash video, not going to make it a subject, I am removing my flags, from my house and from online, and I am going on with my life... I suggest you do the same...


Good Message

That movie put forth a good message. Even now two months later people still look at middle eastern americans with feelings of hate and anger. People need to realize that we cant hate our own people.