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Reviews for "Stand Strong America"


thanks for your contribute to the fight against bin laden let us all stand together

yo fuck you basterd

im a racist getooout againest any arab country in america or in the world thats why 9/11 happend a attack of racist and hatred and if i was you getooout dont come back to this website ever stoupid ass mother fucker ive seen everything but christ when u do i will spit on your mother fucking grave. NEW GROUND 4 LIFE

sign wcw



I've Noticed Something

All this event has caused so far is fighting. Even in the reviews I have seen Users Yelling And Arguing Not only about the events that took place on September 11th but now people are moving on to fire insults at other countries histories and beliefs. I don't entirely know what happened on September 11th to be honest the images images i saw were shocking enough to give me the message but it makes me think. If we keep arguing amongst each other till were're practicly bordering on insulting our own governments and histories then aren't we just giving the terrorists who did this what they want. They wanted fighting and thats waht were're giving them what problem does that solve?


I agree with this 100% but unfourtuneatly we destroy ourselves because... it's just not in human nature to "get along" not that I would not like it... heck i'd love it man!!! it would mean that alot of wars would not start, lives would be saved, alot of good stuff... I just hope most of the people that lost their lives to retard terrorists came to christ.... well all this boils down to my one wish which is I hope terrorists realize that well... what if all of this happend to their loved ones huh? what then? think they would stop? maybye...
sorry for my long reveiw.