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Reviews for "Devil May Cry M1"

Um... Okay!?

the concept was kinda cool, but the animation was shit. Besides that, Krillin has six dots not four.

Needs alot of work

Well my friend your project needs alot of work. You could have made this one of the best flashes on NG but apperently you dont have the skill.
Your main problem was voice overs and animations. Your voice over skills are 0. Your art work gets sketchy at times and WTF is up with his nose in certain scenes. Also you said FUCK way to much. Dante only says bitch hell and minor swears. Your not a bad artist u just need to work on everything and put more time into it.


needs much better animation, voice acting could have been better, DON'T DISRESPECT KRILLIN! were you using your mouse to draw? because it didn't look like a smooth flash.


I didn' like it I mean graphics it was so hard not wanting to close the window before it ended. I think you should try and inprove you graphics for the next ones if you do make more. Also Dante does no cruse that much so if you want to keep it true you might want to tone down the cursing. Hmm what else, oh yeah you should have also made him able to use the other weapons that would have been nice. So yeah kinda of not to good not that bad could have been alot worse so. I will be following on it though I like the Devil May Cry series. So don't make a really crappy flash of it :( that would really suck.

I give it a two cuz i laughed my fucking ass off.

The first time i watched this, the way his face kept changing was so fucking funny. When he gave Krillin the count to three, he looked like Jay Leno lol.

Anyway, onto the serious shit. Dude, your concept is magnificent, but you drawings are terrible. I mean come on! His face changed in every scene. If you could take your time, maybe hire an artist to draw for you and then animate it yourself with better voice actors, then you'll have a more enjoyable work of art. Yeah. Your animations made no sense. Like when Dante was on his bike and then got off, the sword bounced from one hand to another...What's with that?! And Cerberus's lower jaw looked like a toothbrush when he spit Dante out. Just focus and put more time into your drawings. If they are good, the other things wont matter.

SiMpSoN-bRuVaS responds:

why add something you gave a 2 out of ten to your favourites? weird