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Reviews for "Mouse Avoiders!"


Graphics: Well graphic wise it was horrible.
The colors were just so bland and ugly.
Improve on your graphics and obstacle animation.

Style: The concept has been done many times before, but you also added some new ideas to it such as invisible mouse and multiple-mouse. Well these ideas aren't that appealing and I just gave up on the multiple-mouse.
At least you’re thinking out side the box though.

Sound: Well you could have added different sound clips and maybe a mute button. I didn't like the song... used to though but now it's just plain annoying.

Violence: N/A

Interactivity: Everything worked it just seemed like the movement of the mouse was bumpy, laggy, and basically full of glitches.
Definitely not the smoothest mouse game out there.

Humor: N/A. It didn't really need any humor in it.

Overall the controls were full of glitches. It has some new ideas proposed to it (Invisible mouse, multiple mouse) but they were worse than the normal version. I didn’t have fun with it, but major improvement should be focused mainly on graphics and color, obstacle animation, and different sounds/ mute button.



Ok, good game, but you have to do it again because in that game you can cheat.

ok but.................................

most of the actionscript for moving things dont work you need action script like

Put this on the enemys or whatsoever

Bare pass.

The concept isn't really new, and so to compenstate you should have have a nicer set of graphics than that. The collision detection was pretty good and the level designs were original. There are a few bugs (holding down the mouse button makes you invulnerable) but aside from the the potential is there. A little fine tuning and you'll have a submission highlithed in blue for sure.

it'll pass..

but with a low score.

SO Many people make Mouse Avoiders just because someone (Claxor) did one and made it look awesome.

What's worse is you use music by Paragonx9, nothing against him, his music is awesome and great to listen to, but it's ALWAYS the beginners who use his music -.-.

If you wanna make a real mouse avoider, add a twist to it, something small that'll make a huge difference to the way you have to play it.

Anyways, don't give up, it was pretty good that you had 3 types of gameplay, just work on the graphics and gameplay :).

Psycho responds:

Yeah, and i was a beginner when i made this so i have right to use Paragons music.