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Reviews for "R!SE"

Yay! Second Place!

I got like 90,500 points, just like 500 points behind 1st place, I've never gotten that high on one of these games lol... My name on the list is SwabbIE.


Great game, it was really fun.

good game

the last guys right, its very possible to get 30,000 thousand, in fact i got 37523, but it took me 6 tries.
Overall very well designed game, make a 2nd version with more stuff like powerups.


The character creation is good cause u can make just eyes and launch them up or whatever u want. About the high scores. Person before me, its possible since the thing spawns randomly its possible to get a high score like that if u get lots of trampolines and stars. I got 30,000(apx) on my first time and only about 10-15,000 after that its semi-luck but dont say hacking jsut cause u cant do it, cause its possible.

Marvelous, but as with all games like this...

It's been ruined by hackers. Do you think that first-placer actually GOT that high of a score?

Anyhow, great game otherwise. Nice timewaster, and the character creation's fun because you get to start from scratch. A good idea to circumvent hacking would be to nullify the score if it increases by too much at a time.

Denvish responds:

Actually, the scoreboard is pretty secure (I learnt from previous problems), it's more likely that people have found a glitch that allows them to throw further/quicker, like setting mouse speed to full