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Reviews for "~|| Don't cry"


The piano is my all time favorite sounding instrument, and you actually managed to make a perfect melody with it which is all the more awesome. Although the strings that come in at first seemed kind of unnessesary or atleast didn't sound that fitting with the piano, the latter strings sound awesome and undoutably add to the overal feeling. Keep up the superb job!

P.S. It's your best song in a while and this time I'm not just considering putting it on my mp3 player I KNOW I'm going to, Infact I'll do it right after I finish writing this review XD.

T-Free responds:

YAY! Knowing that my song will be put on your mp3 simply makes me happy, I hope my songs will be liked by you this much in future, too. Thank you, flamereaver! I'll do my best to not disappoint you! :P

If only I could...

... I would put 20/10 XD !!!
Hmmm, I think I'll think about lyrics which could be nice on this song... But I'm not sure... I'll tell you about it !

T-Free responds:

Hehe, thanks.^^
Would be great if you put lyrics to this one, OWR! :P

auch richtig nice!

für jemanden wie dich würde sich n complete composer package von
east/west richtig lohnen. dann würde der ohnehin schon fette track noch geiler
werden ^_^ wenn mittendrin noch ne richtig derbe bridge kommen würde,
die die melodie-linie noch mal bricht wär es schon major reif :)

T-Free responds:

Hey, nett zu erfahren, dass du auch aus Detschland kommst. :P
Vielen Dank erstmal dafür, dass du dir mehrere meiner Lieder anschaust und Kommentare hinterlässt, das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen.^^
Und jop, 'ne Brigde in dem Lied ist wirklich keine schlechte Idee, daran werde ich mich auf jeden Fall mal versuchen, wenn ich wieder dran arbeite.
Thank you so much, tilman! :D

a perfact mix of classical and beat... nice

well done...

no, no, I don’t feel any resentment or despair with tears in my eyes