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Reviews for "Passion Collaboration"


Umm, I gave you a five in graphics because only some of the artists were really good while some could've done better. Anywho, I like what you did. Good thing you chose the KH 2 music, I like that music alot. the flash was put together well. However, I would to see more seizure-inducing light effects in future KH collabs, because that's one of the things that keeps KH so interesting. Other than that, the flash was pretty good.

Just one thing. I never played KH 1, but I bought KH Chain of Memories and the game crapped on me just before I fought Axel for the last friggin time. That being, I never was or am going to be able to (starting over is NOT an option) finish that godforsaken game. Then recently, I watched my friend play KH 2 from the beginning. I got really confused with the whole Roxas concept, probably b/c I never beat COM. If you could email me via my yahoo address in my profile explaining, in a not too complicated fashion, what the hell is going on in those games, I would be much obliged.


it has somthing in it! keep going make full versions

that rocked

i love the first time you did a kingdom hearts collab and i love the new song. next time to the american song (don't git me wroing i love the song but i have not herd the full american online yet). as i said before I LOVE KH i thank you

Was.. interesting

So strange compared to the amazing quality of the actuality of the videos in the game.. Ironically aas i got on newgrounds i had beaten the game on this very same day, and so has the flash appeared. How frkn wierd is that? :P

Well anyway it was pretty cool animation interesting and mind-boggling like KH itself.. And one more thing.

How many of these artists actually did play KH? Even if only the second one... A response would be cool :).

Difficult to rate.

Collabs are the most difficult things to rate because it's a group effort and the performance of one affects all members. If any of you want personal constructive criticism, feel free to contact me via email in my profile.

The graphics were overall very good. The mix of styles clashes and goes together very well, spicing things up. Where as some sacrificed artwork, they make up for interesting scenes, violence and animation that keep the user's eye drawn on the screen.

There were three crimes to this otherwise beautiful collab. The first was the goofy scene with the archery and the meditating ninja cat. It just felt incredibly out of place.

The second was the artwork in the beginning and in the middle which looked more like someone used MS Paint.

The biggest crime of all was that some of the artwork, though incredibly beautiful, looked like it was sketched from official Square Enix artwork. I won't make any accusations, but if that's true then it's completely unacceptible.