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Reviews for "Passion Collaboration"

it's below par... simply intolerable.

PLEASE read this first before you "Play this Movie":

I can certainly say that my time was nearly wasted (c'mon, 7,140.3Kb on DIAL-UP?) except for the song. I'm an Utanda fan and I thank you for "Passion". If you're an Utada fan and already have the song then you're one lucky bastard (sorry for the term) because I don't have it yet...

The flash content? By FIFTEEN AUTHORS? You've certainly got yourselves in a lot of mayhem.

My Lord.. You just simply SPLIT ALL your ideas and talents here! AND this is SUPPOSED to be a COLLABORATIVE EFFORT??COLLABORATIVE or COLLABORATION means SHARED EFFORTS, TEAMWORK, RELATIONSHIP!! You all even labeled your works on every single bizarre scene??!! I could've made an exemption, but NO! ('-_o)
It was ghastly! I'm so sorry but I couldn't help it... '-_-
It was random to a point that it was~... STUPID!

I'M CERTAIN you all had terrific, creative and WONDERFUL concepts but can't you stick to just ONE? Just one terrific amalgamation of all these ideas and instead you simply joined them together in an EXTREMELY haphazard manner? You 15 are all confusing us!! Oh and, what has KH have to do with this flash anyway, besides the song, huh? It was more like a 15 author assailment on KH2... oh dear lord... make it stop.. TT_TT

this flash nearly fooled me into thinking this was a collab on KH2!! it's actually just a collab of 15 people!.. >_<

Very nice

This is one of my all time favorite flashes on this website. All i can say is: good job. To all 15 artisits, you images didn't exactly melt together, but they were still in sync. I hope you all work together again someday. Keep 'em coming!


I don't know what the hell the others are saying, personally, I dont give a rat's ass what they say.. That was one of the few things that touched me. And unless your ability to sync song with solid self drawn pictures is your only strong point then you can tell I don't really have sensitivity.
Over all BSLM Rating: Cool
See ya'!


I would have to say I have to agree with akurie's assesment, it would perhaps be better if the video in question followed some sort of structure, as it sort of left me un-immersed to be switching between some sort of serious scene with sora+kairi/riku and suddenly showing either final fantasy or some indiscernable character. However, while reviewing art is a tricky subject, considering one's opinion would naturally be subjective, I enjoyed the overall style of the artists, and can see a lot of work was put into the making of it. Of course, I have my preferences (EvilLudy's were my favs) but overall it was impressive. As to those who simultaneously defend kingdom hearts, saying this flash is a disgrace, whilst at the same time whining that their "ears are bleeding" you should know, the only sound used in this flash was the very sound used in the game itself, merely the japanese version. I would know this as I am a fan of the game myself. Anyway, sorry for the long review, but keep up the good work.

this hurts ur ears

its not very good its just more annoying than anything else