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Reviews for "The Eva Project"


this is a little like gradius but the bosses were cooler


I played for 2 seconds and it was already raping my mind with how good it was. I always appreciate a good Gradius homage and this is no exception. Unlike my counterparts I didn't find the screen size too annoying it seemed to go with the streamlined theme. This is highly professional and worthy of the most prestigious newgrounds accolade: my undying addiction.

Needs more levels

This game would be much more enjoyable with a larger scroll screne, and more levels (whats the tesla for if theres only two levels?) and possibly an option of difficulty to increase the number of lives you start out with. Overall; fun, but not addicting. ^^


that game was fun. :)

decent, but it could be so much better

This game has a lot of potential. Yes, it's like gradius. A lot of games are like other games. But this game is different than gradius, because you get weapon *upagrades*, instead of just weapon *changes*. Also, THERE IS NO R-TYPE THROWN IN. R-Type has a disconnectable unit and a charge/hyper shot system, both of which are not present in this game at all in any way shape or form. Aside from that, there were weapon level upgrades, but the vast majority of scrolling shooters have that (at least, the good ones). The only part of R-type that was in was that it was a scrolling shooter with weapon upgrades, which is to say, this game is a scrolling shooter, which any idiot can figure out. Anyway:

I liked the gradius style upgrade system. It's nice to see that every now and then. I liked that you could upgrade your shot and firing rate, as well as everything else. I also liked the homing missile. However, there were some things that I really didn't like:
1. ship collision map is much bigger than the ship, which is both very misleading, and very annoying, which leads me to the next point:
2. Second boss is ridiculous. There's no warning for his main beam weapon thing, and the other shots he fires simply cannot be dodged because they're too close together and the ship collision map is freaking huge.
3. You get a shield, but there's no way to recharge it.
4. You die once: game over, no continues.
5. Only one homing missile?
6. The upgrade thingies look like enemy shots.
7. you can only go half way across the screen (did you do that on purpose?)
8. starting enemies take too much damage

The thing about this, though, is that you can change *all* of those things easily!
1. The ship collision map needs to be shrunk so it's just slightly smaller than the ship itself.
2. For the second boss, give some kind of warning thing for the main shot, like a charge up animation or something. And do away with those really slow homing shots entirely for all enemies. Those are just annoying in general.
3. The jewel things that are dropped by enemies could recharge your shield. They seemed to drop at a very fair pace--not too many, not too few. And if you have full shield, they give you points instead. That's how a lot of other games that have a shield system handle this, and I like it.
4. Add extra lives. HOWEVER! And this is a big HOWEVER! Do not reset all upgrades to zero upon death! I really really REALLY hate that! How about not taking any of the upgrades away at all? That sounds much better to me. Also, don't reset the level! I hate going through the whole entire level, only to be killed by the boss, so I have to do the whole thing over again (and probably get killed by the boss... again). And if you run out of lives, *then* give an option to continue. Maybe have an option to use the points from the last game to buy upgrades or something... I don't know. That might actually be kinda cool.
5. More missiles? I don't know how easy this would be to code. So maybe each level of missile could increase the rate at which missiles fire? Something like that.
6. Change it to something more universally recognizable, like... a metal ball thingy with a blue shiny thing in the middle? Something like that.
7. Uhh... remove the restriction? I don't really know why you did this in the first place. It's not something I've ever seen done.
8. Make the enemies weaker!

Really, you should be able to change all of those things, then re-release the fixed version. That should get pretty darn goo marks, imho. If you did that, I'd give it a 5. Right now, it's not very fun because I keep dying on the second boss, and playing the same 2 levels over and over and over again isn't all that great...

Oh, and I liked the tesla! That was a cool addition, a very nice replacement for bombs (which I never use, because I always think "I'll use them when I need them!", but when I need them, I think "No, I must save them for later, when I *really* need them!").